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GitLab login 422: email has been taken
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I may have lost access to my GitLab account. I have no idea what happened.

When I tried to log in, I was immediately redirected to an error page saying "422 Sign-in using Wikimedia Dev Account (OIDC) auth failed: Email has already been taken."
In T337598 another user had encountered the same error, but that was because he just changed his username. I did not do such a thing.

Wikitech user information

Username: MilkyDefer
Shell: milkydefer
Email: No email set

GitLab user information

Username: MilkyDefer
User ID: 536

Event Timeline

MilkyDefer claimed this task.

Looks like after I attached an email address and verified it in Wikitech, I regained access to my account again. Presumably the authentication part returned a null email address and that clashed with someone else.