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Redesign WS Export stats page
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently, the statistics page looks cluttered and cramped. This can be redesigned so that the various stats are more organised, as well as distinguishable for users.

Also propose to use the previously unused value of duration on the stats page that shows the time taken to export the book.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Currently, the page looks like this.

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 22-59-44 Wikisource Book Export.png (3×1 px, 495 KB)

Potential issues to address:

  • Widen out and space the elements clearly
  • Easier accessibility for the month/year input
  • Add sorting to table columns

I wonder if people most commonly want to see cross-Wikisource stats, or stats for just one Wikisource? Of course, both are useful, but I feel like a single-Wikisource chart of numbers of exports over time would be useful, as well as a list of the last month's most popular.

Perhaps we need more than one page of stats, with a navigation at the top? That'd help by also not having to run the expensive queries all together (although we can also add much more caching to the queries too, which will help).

Samwilson renamed this task from Redesign WSExport stats page to Redesign WS Export stats page.Dec 20 2023, 12:02 AM
Samwilson updated the task description. (Show Details)

Made a PR here

Also, I feel like adding separate stat pages for the individual language wikisources should be done in a separate patch as it would involve more querying changes as well.

Closing this as PR is merged. Will open new tasks for other significant/relevant changes to the stats page