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When uploading a new video nothing is displayed for almost 1 minute to indicates that the system is processing it
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


I tried to upload a mov file with a size of 367 MB. After selecting the file, the screen didn't display anything to indicate that it's processing the file.

VCT2.png (832×1 px, 48 KB)

Event Timeline

Yamen renamed this task from When upload a new video nothing is displayed for almost 1 minute to indicates that the system is processing it to When uploading a new video nothing is displayed for almost 1 minute to indicates that the system is processing it .Jan 3 2024, 12:36 PM
Yamen assigned this task to Gopavasanth.
Yamen removed a subscriber: Aklapper.

@Yamen: Is there a reason why you removed me as a subscriber? (Also, did Gopavasanth agree to work on this?)

Hello @Aklapper , no there is no reason and Gopavasanth is not aware. I thought maybe you don't want to be spammed by these tasks. I didn't know that I shouldn't do this. Apologies for the inconvenience caused. I will make sure to keep you in future tasks.


We can fix this by adding progressBar indicating the user that the video is been downloading to the server and getting ready for future edits.(raised a PR)