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Create automation for registered MarkMonitor DNS and acme-chief/ncredir
Closed, ResolvedPublic


To reduce toil and keep consistency between services such as acme-chief and ncredir (we have amassed a lot of drift over the years), let's automate the whole process.

  • Automate propagation of MarkMonitor-registered domains down to ncredir and acme-chief
    • Note that MarkMonitor is read-only
    • Note that WMF has their MarkMonitor API usage limited to our production IP range
  • Adapt the work of ncmonitor and extend it to
  • Automate adding the domains to acme-chief for HTTPS certificates
  • Automate adding domain redirection with ncredir
  • Implement this automation into the production environment safely (MarkMonitor API is limited to our production IP range)


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Update repos/Submit patches to Gerrit automaticallyrepos/sre/ncmonitor!6brettT355189-patch-submissionmain
Add JSON output, reorg calculationsrepos/sre/ncmonitor!5brettT354988-json-outputmain
Add configuration, user-supplied conf file/pathrepos/sre/ncmonitor!3brettT354988-config-filemain
Fix pylint testsrepos/sre/ncmonitor!2brettT355189-fix-pylint-testsT354988-packaging-improvements
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

BCornwall renamed this task from Create automation for DNS registration and related services to Create automation for registered MarkMonitor DNS and acme-chief/ncredir.Jan 18 2024, 11:38 PM
BCornwall changed the task status from Open to In Progress.
BCornwall triaged this task as Medium priority.
BCornwall moved this task from Backlog to Traffic team actively servicing on the Traffic board.
BCornwall updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change #1025875 had a related patch set uploaded (by BCornwall; author: BCornwall):

[operations/puppet@production] ncredir: Reformat/sort the redirects file

Change #1031046 had a related patch set uploaded (by BCornwall; author: BCornwall):

[operations/puppet@production] hieradata/common: Move shared_acme_certificates to its own file

Change #1031046 merged by BCornwall:

[operations/puppet@production] hieradata: Move acme certificates to its own file

Change #1038890 had a related patch set uploaded (by BCornwall; author: BCornwall):

[operations/puppet@production] ncmonitor: Add SSH credentials support

Change #1038890 merged by BCornwall:

[operations/puppet@production] ncmonitor: Add SSH credentials support

Marking as resolved since this is vague and technically has been achieved. Any further developments will be in more specific tickets.