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Add additional date & time formats as user preferences
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I have a question that has been bugging me for a while now.
→ In Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering

We can choose from:
→ Date format

No preference
19:43, January 26, 2024
19:43, 26 January 2024
19:43, 2024 January 26

Why can't we choose from a different annotation, like: → Date : time → e.g. 26 January 2024, 19:06 which is rather common in most European languages (German, Dutch, Danish to name a few)

Most users will find it easier to read the date and time annotation this way. Most expect the date before the time. When one sees the time first, it's a confusion moment.

So my request is: Add (or replace with) the following annotations:

January 26, 2024, 19:43
26 January 2024, 19:43
2024 January 26, 19:43

I would appreciate if that could be implemented in the future. I normally don't see the annotations from above in other places.

Event Timeline

RhinosF1 subscribed.

+ affects-Miraheze as user asked question in our discord first

RhinosF1 renamed this task from Preferences: Date and Time annotation to Add additional date & time formats as user preferences .Jan 26 2024, 7:47 PM

The date formats depend on your interface language. If you change your language to German, Dutch, or Danish, you will see different date format options, more appropriate for each language.

I use British English as that's the language I communicate in through my global preferences on several wiki's, and I often take screenshots for explaining things, or explain where people can find this or that.

Either I have to change the language to get the right date annotation, or I have to use British English and never be able to see the right date annotation.

I never see time-date annotations, so it's weird that it's connected to British English.

(I do understand that 25 or so different annotations is a bit much)

Funny thing....
When I went to change the setting here in Phab, I could choose Iso, US or Europe.
Which also sounds more logical to me.

But maybe it could be researched?