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MediaWikiSiteTestCase.test_old_version_sites tests fails
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D:\pwb\GIT\core>pwb site_detect_tests -v MediaWikiSiteTestCase.test_old_version_sites
tests: max_retries reduced from 15 to 1
test_old_version_sites (__main__.MediaWikiSiteTestCase.test_old_version_sites)
Test detection of old MediaWiki sites. ...
  test_old_version_sites (__main__.MediaWikiSiteTestCase.test_old_version_sites) (url='')
Test detection of old MediaWiki sites. ... FAIL
FAIL: test_old_version_sites (__main__.MediaWikiSiteTestCase.test_old_version_sites) (url='')
Test detection of old MediaWiki sites.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\pwb\GIT\core\tests\", line 130, in test_old_version_sites
  File "D:\pwb\GIT\core\tests\", line 46, in assertNoSite
    with self.assertRaises((AttributeError,
AssertionError: (<class 'AttributeError'>, <class 'pywikibot.exceptions.ClientError'>, <class 'ConnectionError'>, <class 'RuntimeError'>, <class 'pywikibot.exceptions.ServerError'>, <class 'requests.exceptions.ConnectionError'>, <class 'requests.exceptions.Timeout'>, <class 'requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects'>) not raised

Ran 1 test in 34.109s

FAILED (failures=1)

I've also tested it with Pywikibot 8.1 and it still fails with old version.

Event Timeline

Xqt triaged this task as High priority.Jan 27 2024, 2:57 PM
Xqt updated the task description. (Show Details)
Xqt added projects: Pywikibot, Pywikibot-tests.

Change 993222 had a related patch set uploaded (by Xqt; author: Xqt):

[pywikibot/core@master] [tests] Update site_detect_tests

Change 993222 merged by Xqt:

[pywikibot/core@master] [tests] Update site_detect_tests