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Semantic MediaWiki results not right for RSS format
Closed, ResolvedPublic


On this page I have to ask queries:

they are

{{#ask: [[Category:Book Pile]]

? Added by = creator
? Added on = date
sort=Added on
limit = 5


{{#ask: [[Category:Book Pile]]

? Added by = creator
? Added on = date
sort=Added on
limit = 5
rsstitle=Book Pile
rssdescription=Latest suggestions of books to consider reading.


The only difference is one is a table and the other is RSS.

The table gives me the correct set of pages. The RSS output results in a completely different set of results. The criteria are the same though, so this seems like a bug.

I've tried different variations and the results I get with format=rss are unpredictable but repeatable. They are ordered properly via the order method, but the selection range doesn't make sense to me.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 12:01 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz33726.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

I added a 2nd query to this page that is similar but with slightly different criteria and it also has the same problem.

Whoa — I think I just figured it out. If I click on "Further results" for the table version of the output I get the same set that the RSS feed is showing.

It seems like the RSS feed is skipping the first page (whatever limit is set to) of results and starting at the 2nd page.

Ah, damn, this looks like something I messed up when fixing another issue in :/

Ought to be fixed by r33726

Upgraded to r108939 and confirmed fixed (after forcing a refresh of the query cache).