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scap install fails on new Phabricator/Phorge host due to missing user
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


This came up during T334519: upgrade phab (phorge) hosts to bullseye while re-imaging phab1004.

Notes from

  • What we did
    • add class scap::user to the phabricator migration role in
    • Once scap user was there we ran deploy2002: scap install-world -l phab1004.eqiad.wmnet
    • manually symlink /usr/bin/scap to /var/lib/scap/scap/bin/scap
    • reran puppet
    • deploy2002 /srv/deployment/phabricator/deploy: scap deploy -l phab1004.eqiad.wmnet

Event Timeline

LSobanski triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 19 2024, 4:21 PM
LSobanski moved this task from Incoming to Backlog on the collaboration-services board.

Change 1006967 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn; author: Dzahn):

[operations/puppet@production] phabricator: add scap::user setup to migration profile

Change 1006974 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn; author: Dzahn):

[operations/puppet@production] phabricator: setup scap bin link in migration class

Change 1006967 merged by Dzahn:

[operations/puppet@production] phabricator: add scap::user setup to migration profile

Change 1006974 merged by Dzahn:

[operations/puppet@production] phabricator: setup scap bin link in migration class

@brennen Going through your "what we did" summary, I would say:

-" add class scap::user to the phabricator migration role" - DONE in puppet
-" scap install-world" - yea, but that stays manual
-"manually symlink /usr/bin/scap to /var/lib/scap/scap/bin/scap" - FIXED in puppet
-"reran puppet" - shouldn't be needed anymore
-" scap deploy " - sure, that's normal

So I think we can call this resolved now with the follow-up above.