Feature summary (what you would like to be able to do and where):
When uploading an AI-generated media, it should be available to users the possibility of adding the prompt that was used in generating such media, since it's relevant metadata that would be lost and unrecoverable later. Ideally, this prompt should be recorded through the recently introduced {{Prompt}} template.
Use case(s) (list the steps that you performed to discover that problem, and describe the actual underlying problem which you want to solve. Do not describe only a solution):
All uploads of AI-generated media by Commons users.
Benefits (why should this be implemented?):
It would save important data to be had while uploading the media, such as the prompt used.
- The new AI prompt input to appear when the user selects the AI option in question 1 of "own work" flow. (Some minor layout changes will need to be made to existing field above it to accommodate the new field.)
- The existing field about entering name of AI engine remains to be mandatory. But for the AI prompt field, the design recommendation is to let the field be optional as the user may or may not have the prompt readily available or may not have saved the original prompt. If the user's are blocked from proceeding without a prompt it is likely that some may either enter an inaccurate prompt or chose another potentially incorrect option to proceed. However, whether we should make this field optional or not needs to be agreed upon.
- An appropriate error message will be specified based on above decision.