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Test using phabricator-maintenance-bot to sync wmcs-related boards
Open, LowPublic


Right now we have multiple boards that often get out of sync, e.g. Toolforge and cloud-services-team

Phabricator maintenance bot might help us in keeping things in sync:

  • adding the cloud-services-team tag to tasks added in a project that is maintained by WMCS (can also be achieved with a Herald rule)
  • moving tasks to the right column in the team board ("in progress", "blocked", "done") when the task status changes

Event Timeline

fnegri triaged this task as Low priority.
fnegri updated the task description. (Show Details)

moving tasks to the right column in the team board ("in progress", "blocked", "done") when the task status changes

There is no API for that and this does not require some bot code. You are looking for workboard triggers which Phab offers.

Correction: I misread - this works only the other way round (moving on a workboard to set a task status).