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Requesting GitLab account activation for EP1C
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story PointsRequest


GitLab account activation

To activate your account, please sign into GitLab and then answer the following questions:

  • Developer account / GitLab username: EP1C
  • Reason for access - what projects are you planning to host or contribute to: Wikimedia steward scripts

GitLab Admin checklist

This section is to be completed by a GitLab administrator.

  • - User has provided the following: developer account username and reasoning for access
  • - User has an existing developer account, and has used it to log in to GitLab

If any of the following criteria are met, user should be approved immediately:

  • - User is known to the admin
  • - User is vouched for by a known contributor
  • - User has a history of contributions on Gerrit, Phabricator, on-wiki, etc.
  • - User is a member of a movement organization

Event Timeline

Thank you! If I understand this correctly, it will automatically approve me or do I need to do anything else to be approved?

@EPIC, it should yes, but only if your Developer account is linked to your SUL account. That can be done using if it is not already the case. Another linking alternative is connecting your Developer account (LDAP) as a second authentication method here in Phabricator.

bd808 renamed this task from Requesting GitLab account activation for EPIC to Requesting GitLab account activation for EP1C.Mar 5 2024, 7:07 PM

Thanks! It's linked so should be updated in a while.