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Create an examples directory in the repository and add a basic
Open, Needs TriagePublic


As an engineer I want to have some code examples in the repository of the project,
so that I can test making requests to Lift Wing through the public API Gateway. These examples will later be the building blocks of the python module that will form later on.
We start by creating a file in the repository that is simple and has a basic description about the python package. We will be enriching this readme file as we make more contributions to the repo.
We want to also add a directory named examples/ where we'll put some scripts with basic examples of functions that make requests to Lift Wing and return the response. We start with revertrisk-language-agnostic model and we'll add more models in the process.

Event Timeline

@Mercelisvaughan As a follow up to the first Pull request you can create another one where you'll add data validation using pydantic. Please go through the basic documentation and then you can update the existing function.