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Ask for a commit/change summary in scap train if one not provided?
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reedy@deploy1002:/srv/mediawiki-staging$ scap train
                                          |_ |wmf.23|<                   
  START   testwikis       group0          group1          group2         
          1.42.0-wmf.23   1.42.0-wmf.23   1.42.0-wmf.23   1.42.0-wmf.22  
  [0]     [1]             [2]             [3]             [4]            
What station do you want the train to be at (0-4)? 0
Promote all from 1.42.0-wmf.22/1.42.0-wmf.23 to 1.42.0-wmf.22 (y/n): y
23:34:51 Updated /srv/mediawiki-staging/wikiversions.json: 684 migrated, 0 inserted.

It wasn't completely clear at what point and/or if/where I should've referenced T360717 (or any other text) as the reason for rolling back the train...

Is it worth a confirmation prompt to give the person a chance to add something, incase they accidentally forgot? I don't think we need to make it compulsory (though, I could see some argument for that).

Though, looking at the output of --help...

reedy@deploy1002:/srv/mediawiki-staging$ scap train --help
usage: scap train [-h] [--conf CONF_FILE] [--no-shared-authsock]
                  [-D <name>:<value>] [--verbose] [--environment ENVIRONMENT]
                  [--no-log-message] [--forward] [--backward]

Advance or rollback the train

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --forward             Advance the train
  --backward, --rollback
                        Rollback the train

global arguments:
  Although these arguments can be passed to all scap (sub-)commands, not all
  commands are affected by every global argument.

  --conf CONF_FILE      Path to configuration file
  --no-shared-authsock  Ignore any shared ssh-auth configuration
  -D <name>:<value>, --define <name>:<value>
                        Set a configuration value
  --verbose             Verbose output
  --environment ENVIRONMENT
                        environment in which to execute scap
  --no-log-message      Do not log messages to the public (IRC)

It kind of looks like it's not intended to take one, and mostly just defaults to using the blocker task? Which in most cases, should have the info in itself, or at least, a dependant task?

[23:50:18] <logmsgbot> !log reedy@deploy1002 rebuilt and synchronized wikiversions files: all wikis to 1.42.0-wmf.22  refs T354441

Certainly feel free to decline this, mostly me thinking out loud :)