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excimer leaves stray process after running `make test`
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I was updating Excimer in Debian to 1.2.1 and got this warning after the build finished:

W: Stray processes left from build:
* system-pbuilder-build-php\x2dexcimer_1.2.1\x2d1-52963.slice - Slice /system/pbuilder/build/php-excimer_1.2.1-1/52963
     Loaded: loaded
     Active: active since Sat 2024-03-23 21:33:49 EDT; 57s ago
      Tasks: 1
     Memory: 243.7M
        CPU: 31.072s
     CGroup: /system.slice/system-pbuilder.slice/system-pbuilder-build.slice/system-pbuilder-build-php\x2dexcimer_1.2.1\x2d1.slice/system-pbuilder-build-php\x2dexcimer_1.2.1\x2d1-52963.slice
               `-66664 sleep 10

We run make test during the build, so I assume the process is left over from:

shell_exec('sleep 10 >/dev/null 2>&1 &');

$before = microtime(true);
$after = microtime(true);

if ( ( $after - $before ) < 10 ) {
    echo 'OK';


I don't think this causes any practical issues (so I've set as low priority), but it would be nice not to.