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Determine a structure for the python package repository
Open, Needs TriagePublic3 Estimated Story Points


As an engineer,

I want to define a structure for my repository that will hold the Lift Wing python package so that I can establish a solid starting base for developing the package without having to move things around after a significant part of the development is done.
By following the official python documentation for python packaging I will create a pull request with a suggestion for the structure of the project that will contain all the required initial directories and files e.g. pyproject.toml, tests directory LICENSE etc.

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@Mercelisvaughan Apart from the official documentation other resources may be also be useful, so feel free to add them here if you find something useful.
Another idea would be to use a cookiecutter template (more info about cookiecutter templates here) but I think that it may be too much to start with. Nevertheless if you want you can also explore this option as as it is a nice idea and useful to know of.

For this project we'll be using a pyproject.toml file as described in python documentation page "Writing your pyproject.toml". Pyproject.tml is the standard way of storing metadata for packaging related tools as described in PEP 621.

isarantopoulos set the point value for this task to 3.Apr 9 2024, 2:49 PM
isarantopoulos moved this task from Unsorted to In Progress on the Machine-Learning-Team board.