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[GSOC 2024 Proposal] Lingua Libre v3.0 enhancement and migration : Aditya
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Profile Information

Name: Aditya Suthar
IRC handle: aditya02
Resume: resume
Location: Bikaner, India
Time Zone: UTC+5:30
Typical working hours: 10 AM to 7 PM. (UTC+05:30)
On college days, occupied between 3 PM to 8 PM. (UTC+05:30)


  • Short summary describing your project and how it will benefit Wikimedia projects

The project outlined in task T359797 aims to develop and implement a novel feature set within Wikimedia projects to enhance user engagement and streamline content creation processes. By integrating innovative functionalities, this initiative seeks to significantly improve the overall user experience across Wikimedia platforms while fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing within the community. Through meticulous research, design, and development efforts, this project endeavors to contribute towards the overarching goal of advancing Wikimedia projects' accessibility, usability, and impact on a global scale.

  • Possible Mentor(s): @Yug, @Poslovitch
  • Have you contacted your mentors already?: No


Describe the timeline of your work with deadlines and milestones, broken down week by week. Make sure to include time you are planning to allocate for investigation, coding, deploying, testing and documentation

April 1 - April 14 (Community Bonding Period):

  • Community Introduction:
    • Engage with the Wikimedia community to introduce the project and establish communication channels.
    • Familiarize oneself with relevant documentation, tools, and resources.

April 15 - May 17 (Phase 1: Planning and Preparation):

  • Week 1 - Week 5: Planning Stage:
    • Review project requirements and objectives.
    • Define project scope and deliverables.
    • Create a detailed project plan, including milestones and timelines.
    • Identify key stakeholders and establish communication channels.

May 18 - June 7 (Phase 2: Research and Analysis):

  • Week 6 - Week 9: Research and Analysis:
    • Conduct in-depth research on relevant technologies and methodologies.
    • Analyze existing Wikimedia projects and similar initiatives.
    • Gather user feedback and requirements through surveys or interviews.
    • Document findings and insights to inform the design and development process.

June 8 - June 30 (Phase 3: Design and Prototyping):

  • Week 10 - Week 13: Design and Prototyping:
    • Develop initial design mockups and prototypes based on research findings.
    • Iterate on designs based on feedback from stakeholders and users.
    • Finalize the user interface and experience design.
    • Develop a functional prototype to demonstrate key features and functionalities.

July 1 - August 23 (Phase 4: Development and Testing):

  • Week 14 - Week 17: Development:
    • Begin the development process based on approved designs and specifications.
    • Implement core functionalities and features according to the project plan.
    • Conduct regular code reviews and testing to ensure quality and stability.
  • Week 18 - Week 20: Testing and Iteration:
    • Perform comprehensive testing on the developed system.
    • Conduct functional, performance, and security testing.
    • Gather feedback from users through beta testing or usability testing.
    • Iterate on improvements based on testing results.

August 24 - September 14 (Phase 5: Finalization and Documentation):

  • Week 21 - Week 23: Finalization and Documentation:
    • Finalize the developed system based on feedback and testing results.
    • Prepare comprehensive documentation, including user guides and technical specifications.
    • Ensure compliance with relevant standards and guidelines.

September 15 - September 22 (Final Week):

  • Week 24: Final Submission and Evaluation:
    • Complete any remaining tasks and ensure project readiness.
    • Submit the final project deliverables.
    • Participate in project evaluation and feedback sessions.


Describe how you plan to communicate progress and ask for help, where you plan to publish your source code, etc
I will maintain open communication channels with regular updates to mentors and the community through emails, IRC meetings, and Phabricator tasks. Feedback from mentors will be crucial for guiding my progress effectively. Engaging with the Wikimedia community via mailing lists and forums will help gather valuable insights and foster collaboration.

In addition to communicating progress, I plan to publish my code on GitHub to facilitate transparency, code review, and collaboration beyond the Wikimedia community. I'll utilize common branch naming conventions such as main, feature, development, release, and hotfix to organize my work effectively. This approach ensures clarity and accessibility for anyone accessing the codebase, fostering a collaborative environment conducive to project success.

About Me

Tell us about a few:

  • Your education (completed or in progress)

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
Engineering College Bikaner, Bikaner, Rajsthan
Dates of Attendance: September 2020 - May 2025
Relevant Coursework: Mathematics, DBMS, Software Engineering, Data Structures and Algorithms.
CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Python’s certificate from Harvard University: certificate

  • How did you hear about this program?

I learned about the Google Summer of Code program through my brother, who is also involved in software development and open-source initiatives. He shared his positive experiences and the opportunities for learning and contribution offered by the program, which intrigued me. Upon hearing about the program from him, I conducted further research and became enthusiastic about the prospect of participating in such a reputable and impactful initiative.

  • Will you have any other time commitments, such as school work, another job, planned vacation, etc, during the duration of the program?

Additionally, as a third-year student pursuing my Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) degree, I am committed to fulfilling my academic requirements and dedicating time to coursework and exams. While my studies are a priority, I have structured my schedule to accommodate both my academic responsibilities and my participation in the Google Summer of Code program. I am confident in my ability to manage my time effectively and deliver high-quality work for the duration of the program.

  • We advise all candidates eligible for Google Summer of Code and Outreachy to apply for both programs. Are you planning to apply to both programs and, if so, with what organization(s)?

No, I am solely planning to apply for the Google Summer of Code program. I believe that focusing my efforts on one program will allow me to fully commit to the project and maximize my contributions to the Wikimedia community. I am excited about the opportunity to participate in GSoC and dedicated to making a meaningful impact through my work on Wikimedia projects.

  • What does making this project happen mean to you?

Making this project happen represents more than just an opportunity for personal growth and development. It signifies my commitment to contributing meaningfully to the Wikimedia community and leveraging my skills to enhance the platform for users worldwide. As someone who values knowledge sharing and accessibility, I am excited about the prospect of working on a project that directly impacts the accessibility and usability of information for millions of users.

Past Experience

  • Please add links to any feature or bug fix you have written for a Wikimedia project during the application phase.


  • Describe any relevant projects that you've worked on previously and what knowledge you gained from working on them.


  • Describe any open source projects you have contributed to as a user and contributor (include links).

I have actively contributed to open-source projects, including the KDE project. One of my notable contributions includes addressing a specific ticket in the KDE Education Suite, GCompris. I successfully completed Merge Request #121, which involved implementing a new feature to enhance the user experience within the application. This experience provided me with valuable insights into collaborative development practices within the open-source community and honed my skills in software development and project management.

Any Other Info

Add any other relevant information such as UI mockups, references to related projects, a link to your proof of concept code, etc

Event Timeline

Aditya renamed this task from Insert project title here to GSoC (2024) Lingua Libre v3.0 enhancement Proposal.Mar 30 2024, 6:05 AM

Hello @Aditya ,

We were already quite advanced with applicant selection with 2 cycle of CV reviews selection done, technical on boarding and the coding phase for the 3 finalists started when you arrived.
So I could not bring you into the selection process, we cannot take into account your application. My apologizes for this.

This week, I will focus on the last selection phase for the 3 finalists we selected.

Next week I may review your application and give some feedback.
Still ! All my admiration for your proposal. It let you think about a new project's strategy and write down a plan. It's a very practical task and I hope you learnt with the process.
Please, if still admissible next year to the GSoC 2025, please investigate again this GSoC + Wikimedia avenue.

Yug renamed this task from GSoC (2024) Lingua Libre v3.0 enhancement Proposal to [GSOC 2024 Proposal] Lingua Libre v3.0 enhancement and migration : Aditya.Apr 1 2024, 5:43 PM

Hello @Yug ,

Thank you for your understanding and for taking the time to review my application. I appreciate your feedback and am grateful for the opportunity to learn from this experience.

I understand the timing constraints and respect the selection process that was already in progress. I will continue to explore opportunities to contribute to GSoC and Wikimedia in the future.

I appreciate the opportunity for potential feedback next week. Looking forward to hearing from you and learning how I can improve.