For the Infrastructure quarterly Learning Session, Product & Tech senior leadership need to speak as to the number of Phabricator Tasks reported by community that were resolved by WMF .
Amanda has been requesting this information for the past FY. See previous reports:
- Phabricator Tasks reported by community, resolved by WMF | July-Sept 2023
- Phabricator Tasks reported by community, resolved by WMF | Q2 FY23-24 Oct-Dec 2023
I need the same report for the tasks resolved by WMF for the Q3 (Jan 2024 - March 2024) by end of working day April 17 2024 in order to include the narrative into this quarter's QLS.
If it helps, the query Andre Klapper used to pull this data in the past is included below:
SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT("", AS url, t.title, u1.userName AS author, u2.userName AS assignee -> FROM phabricator_maniphest.maniphest_task t -> INNER JOIN phabricator_user.user u1 ON u1.phid = t.authorPHID -> INNER JOIN phabricator_user.user u2 ON u2.phid = t.ownerPHID -> WHERE t.status = "resolved" -> AND FROM_UNIXTIME(t.closedEpoch,'%Y%m')>=202307 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(t.closedEpoch,'%Y%m')<=202309 -> AND u1.phid NOT IN (SELECT ua.userPHID FROM phabricator_user.user u INNER JOIN phabricator_user.user_externalaccount ua ON ua.userPHID = u.phid WHERE ua.accountType = "mediawiki" AND ((ua.username LIKE '%(WMF)' OR ua.username LIKE '%-WMF') OR (ua.username LIKE '%(WMDE)' OR ua.username LIKE '%-WMDE'))) -> AND u1.phid NOT IN (SELECT ue.userPHID FROM phabricator_user.user u INNER JOIN phabricator_user.user_email ue ON ue.userPHID = u.phid WHERE (ue.address LIKE '' OR ue.address LIKE '' OR ue.address LIKE '')) -> AND (u1.userName != "dbarratt" AND u1.userName != "Samwilson" AND u1.userName != "Amire80" AND u1.userName != "Dreamy_Jazz" AND u1.userName != "Ladsgroup" AND u1.userName != "Tchanders" AND u1.userName != "Daimona" AND u1.userName != "Nikerabbit" AND u1.userName != "Mooeypoo" AND u1.userName != "demon") -> AND (u2.phid IN (SELECT ua.userPHID FROM phabricator_user.user u INNER JOIN phabricator_user.user_externalaccount ua ON ua.userPHID = u.phid WHERE ua.accountType = "mediawiki" AND ((ua.username LIKE '%(WMF)' OR ua.username LIKE '%-WMF') OR (ua.username LIKE '%(WMDE)' OR ua.username LIKE '%-WMDE'))) -> OR u2.phid IN (SELECT ue.userPHID FROM phabricator_user.user u INNER JOIN phabricator_user.user_email ue ON ue.userPHID = u.phid WHERE (ue.address LIKE '' OR ue.address LIKE '' OR ue.address LIKE '')) -> OR (u2.userName = "dbarratt" OR u2.userName = "Samwilson" OR u2.userName = "Amire80" OR u2.userName = "Dreamy_Jazz" OR u2.userName = "Ladsgroup" OR u2.userName = "Tchanders" OR u2.userName = "Daimona" OR u2.userName = "Nikerabbit" OR u2.userName = "Mooeypoo" OR u2.userName = "demon"));