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QueryService Allow List: Updated the URL of the WikiPathways SPARQL endpoint
Open, Needs TriagePublic



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@EgonWillighagen this is now shipped; please let us know if it's now doing what you need

I cannot confirm it working online yet, tho. The following SPARQL should work:

PREFIX wp: <>
SELECT ?lipid ?wpLipid ?lmIRI WHERE {
  ?lipid wdt:P2063 ?lmid .
  BIND (iri(concat("", str(?lmid))) AS ?lmIRI)
  SERVICE <> {
    ?wpLipid wp:bdbLipidMaps ?lmIRI .

But I get this error message:

image.png (119×796 px, 9 KB)

Maybe "shipped" means part of the dev version and will be part of the next release? But I hope the query can be used as a test.

Interestingly I think service is working fine (both staging and production) for me. I tested this with the following query:

this is simpler than your query and run on a wiki I know (I wasn't sure which wiki to run your query on)?

Could you try it and let me know if I'm missing something?

Ah, thanks. I was running it on the Wikidata query service. I guess it was just not rolled out there. I really appreciate that this was picked up!

Thanks for the PR. Unfortunately changes here won't automatically feed into the wikidata deployment. I made a ticket for it :)