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Comment parsing should be context sensitive
Open, In Progress, HighPublicBUG REPORT


The PGN standard gives {, }, and ; special meaning in some but not all contexts which complicates parsing when a comment contains one of these characters. An example of the problem can be seen with the following PGN text.

<pgn>1. e4 {A comment; with a semi-colon} e5 ; A comment {and an aside} with curly braces</pgn>

In the comment after e4, the semi-colon should be parsed as a plain text semicolon because it is inside a curly brace comment. In the comment after e5, the curly braces should be parsed as plain text braces because they are in an end-of-line comment. The parser does not do this, and instead gives them their special meaning in all contexts resulting in the comments being cut-off prematurely or including text that is not part of the comment.

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In ProgressBUG REPORTWugapodes

Event Timeline

Wugapodes renamed this task from Nested curly braces break comments to Comment parsing should be context sensitive.Apr 26 2024, 1:10 AM
Wugapodes changed the task status from Open to In Progress.
Wugapodes claimed this task.
Wugapodes triaged this task as High priority.
Wugapodes updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change #1022204 had a related patch set uploaded (by Wugapodes; author: Wugapodes):

[mediawiki/extensions/ChessBrowser@master] Context sensitive comment parsing and EOL comments