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publicKey.pubKeyCredParams is missing at least one of the default algorithm identifiers: ES256 and RS256
Open, Needs TriagePublic


When I start the WebAuthn key setup process in Chrome, it logs this in the console:

Registrator.js:81 publicKey.pubKeyCredParams is missing at least one of the default algorithm identifiers: ES256 and RS256. This can result in registration failures on incompatible authenticators. See for details

(It doesn't seem to cause any problems with setting up the key, at least not on my Android phone.)

The API payload is "pubKeyCredParams": [ { "type": "public-key", "alg": -7 } ] which per the spec is ES256. Maybe a Chrome bug?

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The API payload is "pubKeyCredParams": [ { "type": "public-key", "alg": -7 } ] which per the spec is ES256. Maybe a Chrome bug?

Reading comprehension fail - the warning quite clearly says that we should support both ES256 and RS256, and we only support one of them.

There relevant parts of the code seem to be WebAuthnKey::authenticationCeremony() which does support a bunch of different algos:

$coseAlgorithmManager = new Manager();
$coseAlgorithmManager->add( new ES256() );
$coseAlgorithmManager->add( new ES512() );
$coseAlgorithmManager->add( new EdDSA() );
$coseAlgorithmManager->add( new RS1() );
$coseAlgorithmManager->add( new RS256() );
$coseAlgorithmManager->add( new RS512() );

and Authenticator::getRegisterInfo() which tells the client we only support ES256:

$publicKeyCredParametersList = [
	new PublicKeyCredentialParameters(

so this seems self-inflicted.

The practical effect seems to be that we don't support Windows Hello. From the above Chrome doc page:

However, developers should be aware that excluding either of the default identifiers has compatibility risks. In particular, RS256 is necessary for compatibility with Microsoft Windows platform authenticators. ES256 is a widely supported algorithm and is compatible with most other platform authenticators and roaming authenticators.