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Research and confirm or update best general JOBRUNNER_MAX_JOBS setting
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The Wikibase image takes a JOBRUNNER_MAX_JOBS setting for use in running JobRunner. When no value is provided from the user it defaults to 2 in the image.

Research and/or test to confirm whether this is the best general JOBRUNNER_MAX_JOBS setting, and update to a better default if there is one.

I suspect that a higher number may be a better default (5 or 10?), but in preliminary research haven't came up with a clear recommendation.

Event Timeline

lojo_wmde claimed this task.
lojo_wmde moved this task from To do to In Review on the Wikibase Suite Team (Sprint-∞) board.

Updated in to 5 in accordance with the example in MediaWiki docs, and to reflect what seemed to work best in our test suites. I think this is the sensible starting place for now and that this doesn't need further direct research. We should however be keeping an eye out for this and listen for any feedback on this as our distribution gets more adoption.