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excluding categories from the pagegenerators
Closed, DuplicatePublicFeature


As for now we have various pagegenerators but we don't have a way (or at least I wasn't able to find it) to skip the particular category while processing pages.

You can usually skip templates through the scripts themselves, you can skip particular code by "grepnot" but it is not sufficient when the category was added by template, not directly to the page.

The particular task is (in my case) to skip all disambiguation pages while running it adds "reference" section and we want to implement a different approach in, so, references won't be needed there.

But I don't know how to realise it technically, or maybe I haven't found the mechanism for that: it would be great to have some "-catnot" as a global argument, for example.

Event Timeline

We haven't such filter yet but there is already a feature request to implement it for all filters in T103779 and T219282.

@Rubin: We have PetScanPageGenerator implemented but without the "Negative categories" and not as pagegenerators option. But could this be a way to go?

thank you.

yes, for one-off tasks it could be an alternative but for constant going through all the pages, unfortunately, no.

closing as duplicate then