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Catalyst API: support [Quick]InstantCommons
Closed, ResolvedPublic2 Estimated Story Points


Modify Catalyst API so it supports patchdemo's options to load images from Wikimedia Commons:

image.png (194×744 px, 35 KB)

The built-in instant commons behavior can be enabled via the local settings option wgUseInstantCommons. Files with locals settings options can be placed at dir settings.d under the wiki directory and they will be honored by MediaWiki.

In case the quick instant commons method is selected, the local setting shouldn't be flipped on. Instead, the extension should be checked out and enabled.


In the mediawikiCore section of the MW main chart, we will add a new value to enable instant commons.

Additionally, the quick instant commons extension will be added to the list of extensions in the extensions section.

When instant commons is ticked by a user from the web UI, patchdemo will provide the flag in values.mediawikiCore in the JSON body as part of the call to create a new environment. If quick instant commons is selected as the method, it will further enable the QuickInstantCommons extension.

The MW main chart will then handle the request and decide whether to turn on the local settings property or just check out and enable the extension.

NOTE: Once we add support for the growth experiments extension, we will need to use this workaround to prevent the growth experiments local settings from overriding wgUseInstantCommons.

Event Timeline

SDunlap set the point value for this task to 2.Sep 16 2024, 4:50 PM
SDunlap moved this task from Backlog to Camp Muir on the Catalyst board.
SDunlap edited projects, added Catalyst (Camp Muir); removed Catalyst.
thcipriani triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 8 2024, 5:33 PM