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Create Structured Contents service infrastructure
Open, Needs TriagePublic3 Estimated Story Points


As WME Engineer i want to change our infrastructure to deploy 2 structured contents services.

Acceptance Criteria

  • 2 Structured Contents services deployed in dev


  • Decide on what topics to ingest from follow below or change it and share with team
  • Create structured contents service processing service in infra repository
  • Create structured contents bulk service in infra repository
  • Configure services accordingly
  • Deploy to dev

Additional Notes

There will be 2 services deployed based on the same code.

  1. Processing service Will read from topic aws.structured-data.articles.v1 and output to compacted topics and non compacted topic
  2. Bulk service will read from compacted topics, ex: aws.structured-data.enwiki-articles-compacted.v1, and output to compacted topics. Input topics should be configurable as an array

Event Timeline

REsquito-WMF set the point value for this task to 3.Tue, May 21, 3:09 PM

After a chat with Ricardo and Prabhat, no bulk service (yet). But we need a structured-realtime service for API access.