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Structured Contents Snapshots Code
Open, In Progress, Needs TriagePublic3 Estimated Story Points


As wme engineer i need a service that will read from project topics and create snapshots with all content.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Code developed and pipeline working


  • Change Snapshots GRPC API to allow new parameter named type with values article, as default, and structured
  • Change the snapshots flow to listen to topics accordingly to the type
  • Change the snapshots flow to marshal and unmarshall messages according to the message.key.type field. article as default, structured will do the new schema
  • Get feedback from Ricardo & Prabhat on code choices (specifically passing Type through ExportRequest proto object
  • Add unit tests and QA shakedown

Event Timeline

REsquito-WMF set the point value for this task to 3.Tue, Jun 4, 2:09 PM

I'm unsure if the snapshot code should be checking the Config's structured_projects.json slice to see if we should export or skip this Kafka message. Maybe it is done in a different part of the pipeline?

I've added this logic for the MR.

ROdonnell-WMF changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Fri, Jun 14, 9:02 PM
ROdonnell-WMF moved this task from In Progress to MR on the Wikimedia Enterprise (Sprint 62) board.