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Add Lookup component based on ChipInput to Codex
Closed, DuplicatePublic



Create Lookup component based on ChipInput to Codex to use in multivalued fields


Selectable chips to filter information.

Known use cases

I am creating a form on Wikiversity in which the user can search and select some educational institutions on Wikidata. The current Lookup component allows only one item to be selected. I suggest that Lookup also has the ChipInput option so that more items can be selected.

Similar usage happens on Wikimedia Commons. When loading an image we can choose several categories through ChipInput

Captura de tela 2024-05-21 173944.png (290×1 px, 32 KB)

Event Timeline

LBelo_WMB renamed this task from [Add Lookup component based on ChipInput to Codex] to Add Lookup component based on ChipInput to Codex.May 21 2024, 8:56 PM
CCiufo-WMF subscribed.

Hey @LBelo_WMB, thanks for filing this task. I'm thinking this is actually a duplicate of T345291: ChipInput: Add menu functionality, which captures the same use case you're describing. Does that sound right to you?

Hello @CCiufo-WMF, yes you are right! In my research I had not found this ticket. Thank you very much!

CCiufo-WMF closed this task as a duplicate of T345291: ChipInput: Add menu functionality.

Thanks for confirming! I'm closing this as a duplicate and adding your example as a use case to T345291.