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False URL detection by InternetArchiveBot replaces diacritics with "broken links"
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Affected wiki(s):

Diff(s) (if applicable):

What is happening?:
The bot misinterprets as URL identifiers the source wikicodes "://" and ":/", used to render this indented text:


replacing them with a fake URL derived from converting the arrow symbol into the ASCII string "xn--z7g"
{{Collegamento interrotto|1=http://xn--z7g/ }}

What should happen instead?:
The bot should have been able to understand that "::/" is not prefixed by any Internet protocol keyword, such as "http", "https" etc., nor by any other string, so leaving the original source text unaltered

List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):

Other information:
Workaround used: added a space between ":" and "/"

Event Timeline

L736E updated the task description. (Show Details)