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Do not display relations with more than X features
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


Some relations are huge, and by displaying all their members (regardless of how far off the map they are) the map becomes slow. This will probably be improved after switching to vector tiles (although the rendering of those will probably still need to take things into account), but for now it might be best to just bail on displaying any feature with more than say 500 points (and adding a message that not all data is shown).

Event Timeline

Gongxiang01 renamed this task from Do not display relations with more than x features to Do not display relations with more than X features.Sat, May 25, 11:04 AM
Gongxiang01 subscribed.

This is not Bug Report.

This is not Bug Report.

It's a bug in that performance is adversely effected with large relations.