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Make the old revisions notice banner position: sticky
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


Feature summary:
Make the banner above old revision that says "This is an old revision of this page, as edited by .... The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision." a position: sticky element.

Use case(s):

So it can be seen no matter scroll position or when a section link (hash address) is shared


When an old revision is shared with a hash address, that banner is skipped for the reader and it's harder for people to understand that link belongs to an old revision of the page.

For example at that banner at the top of is hard to reach and read and people may think that's the most recent version.

The reason for this, the tweet has a link (from a revision that is now deleted) with a hash address and some people were thinking that's really what this page has right now and couldn't read the banner. Also having that banner as position: sticky may help (and may not!)

Sure the change isn't as simple as just applying a style, position: sticky, I just wanted to say what I imagine as the base of a possible fix for it and probably UX designers might have much better ideas.