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Make Chqaz admin of Wikija-g mailing list
Open, Needs TriagePublic


With T340380: Create wikija-g mailing list, Our User Group created for email newsletters:
All members of our user group suddenly had their admins removed in March.
I send an email to owners that say return us to admins about two weeks ago, but there is no reply.

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Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from add me admin@Wikija-g to Make Chqaz admin of Wikija-g mailing list.May 26 2024, 10:43 AM
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)
Ladsgroup subscribed.

All members of our user group suddenly had their admins removed in March.

Hi, why? Any governance issues or disputes?

I do not know it. There likely be no governance issues.

I don't think we want to interfere without any information why "all members of our user group suddenly had their admins removed"... should probably check who are the admins of the list.

@Aklapper @Ladsgroup
Are you able to check who are the admin?

We can. But we are not allowed to disclose them. Did you send the email to

I sent an email to on 4/28 asking them to contact me.

Would it be helpful if you contact the original admins or we reset to the original admins from T340380?

@Dzahn What does it mean to reset to the original administrator from T340380?

It would mean that they are admins again just like when the list was initially created.

I am saying that because it would be uncontroversial and the normal procedure would be to talk to existing admins to ask them to add more/other admins.

@Dzahn Can you reset to the original administrator? Thank you.

I sent an email to the current admins and asked them to clarify.