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Upgrade EVPN switches Eqiad row E-F to JunOS 22.2 - lsw1-e1-eqiad
Open, MediumPublic


2024-07-02, 15:00 UTC
on this rack:

  • backup1010
  • db1190 - s4
  • dbproxy1026 - m3
  • ms-be1068
  • ms-fe1012
  • an-coord1003
  • an-mariadb1001
  • an-presto1006
  • an-presto1007
  • an-worker1147
  • an-worker1153
  • an-worker1142
  • cephosd1001
  • dumpsdata1006
  • kafka-jumbo1010
  • stat1010
  • elastic1104
  • elastic1089
  • elastic1090
  • dse-k8s-worker1005
  • ml-cache1001
  • logstash1036
  • kubernetes1059
  • lvs1013
  • lvs1014
  • lvs1015

Teams Involved: Data Persistence, Data Platform, Machine Learning, Search, Observability, Service Ops, Traffic

Expected outage: 15-30 minutes

Please use the below sheet to detail any actions that are required in advance of the work:


Other Assignee

Event Timeline

ABran-WMF updated Other Assignee, added: MatthewVernon.
MatthewVernon subscribed.

I'm on annual leave this day, so someone else will have to handle the ms frontend, which needs depooling beforehand and repooling afterwards. Once we know the planned time, we can find someone suitable.

cmooney triaged this task as Medium priority.
cmooney updated the task description. (Show Details)
cmooney updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Eevans would you be OK to handle this as well, please? It's a bit more involved as you'll need to run sudo depool on the ms-fe node beforehand (and then sudo pool afterwards) as well as a quick cluster health check for the backend node.

@Eevans would you be OK to handle this as well, please? It's a bit more involved as you'll need to run sudo depool on the ms-fe node beforehand (and then sudo pool afterwards) as well as a quick cluster health check for the backend node.


backup1010 is in intermittent usage to support mediabackups disk space, but mostly idle at the time, so unless it situtation changes by july and finally gets pooled for bacula, it will require no action.