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How to read big set of pages without getting 429?
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG REPORT


I have a two bots reading large sets of pages (its wikicode), several thousand pages each bot. I read page wikicode by requesting URL "/wiki/Pagename?action=raw", because I don't know API method for this. One of these bots got HTTP 429 error (Too many requests) only if I don't login, but yesterday I write a second bot and it got 429 even under login. How to get contents of big sets of pages without getting this?

Event Timeline

Hi @MBH. This does not sound like something is wrong in the code base but instead like a support request (how to change settings, questions how to do something, etc.). As Wikimedia Phabricator is for bug reports, enhancement requests, and planning work, please check where to bring up such questions - thanks.

@Aklapper Could you tell me the name of any developer who you think could help me with this?

@MBH: I don't believe that contacting individuals scales. I'd ask in a more public venue, see the link I shared.