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New columns to add to Civi DatabaseUpdate export in July
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Hi fr-tech, here are the fields we will need added to the Civi export the week of July 8-12th. Please let us know if you have any questions

Field NameField TypeDefinition
both_funds_latest_payment_methodTextName of the last processed payment type (credit card, venmo, paypal)
both_funds_latest_donation_sourceTextChannel that the last donation processed from (Email, Banner, Portal, App, SMS)
both_funds_has_given_on_emailYes/NoYes/No field that confirms whether the donor gave via email at any time in the past
both_funds_highest_native_amountNumericThe highest amount in local currency across funds
dataaxle_is_grandparentYes/NoOnly DataAxle field we want in Acoustic -> "CE Selected Individual Grandparent Flag (Indicates Household Member Is Considered A Grandparent.)"
directmail_receiversYes/NoYes/No field that confirms whether the record has received Direct Mail communications at any time in the past
directmail_idpending (Text or Numeric)Unique identifier from Civi; used to identify the Direct Mail record


Event Timeline

I'm not familiar with the last 2 - are they recently added fields?

actually now I look at it - several of these are not existing CiviCRM fields so it might take some work to figure out how to calculate them - however, if need be we can use place holders for the new fields initially so that we can update the mapping in July in advance of us necessarily having all the data

@Eileenmcnaughton Yes those last two are new fields because we're going to start building out a directmail program soon. I agree that the priority would be to have the mapping set up the week of the July 8th even if they're initially empty placeholders.

Also a quick heads up that I'll be out on July 8th but back on the 9th to do this work with you.