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$wgUseDynamicDates should be split in two, $wgUseDynamicDates and $wgUseDates
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: avarab

Note: this bug is not a duplicate of bug 248.

$wgUseDynamicDates should be split in two, $wgUseDynamicDates and $wgUseDates,
i.e. one for the whole [[January 1]] [[2005]] => [[2005]]-[[January 5|01-01]]
thing and another ($wgUseDates) for the "Date format" option in the preferences
which would only affect the output of the date(),time() and timeanddate()
functions in the language file. Both could then be switched on to achive the
current effect.

Ideally, from the $wgUseDates point of view this would be done by parsing the
$wgDateFormatsXx array, which is currently for english;

array( 'No preference', 'January 15, 2001', '15 January 2001', '2001 January
15', '2001-01-15' );

Just do array_shift and then use the numbers in a switch statement, this would
ensure that the array can be made smaller for languages who don't need such a
long format or larger for those that do.

$wgUseDates should probably be turned on in the language file rather than in
LocalSettings, this should be an interface feature like any other.

Version: 1.5.x
Severity: enhancement


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Add Contributing file.repos/data-engineering/schemas-event-secondary!5ebysanscontribution_policymaster
update replica namesrepos/releng/gitlab-settings!67jeltoupdate-replica-namesmain
Update Eventplatform schema (seceondary) repositoriesrepos/data-engineering/custom-data-monitor!1ebysansmigrate_eventschemasmain
Update Eventplatform schema repositoriesrepos/data-engineering/eventgate-wikimedia!4ebysansmigrate_eventschemasmaster
Change New Eventschemas Git URLsrepos/data-engineering/mediawiki-event-enrichment!81ebysansmigrate_eventschemasmain
Update url to Gitlab url after migrationrepos/data-engineering/schemas-event-secondary!1ebysansmigrate_gitlabmaster
Update url to Gitlab url after migrtaion.repos/data-engineering/schemas-event-primary!1ebysansupdate_gitlab_urlmaster
[JS] Disable type checking for src/Instrument.jsrepos/data-engineering/metrics-platform!68phuedxwork/phuedx/T366827-follow-upmain
Allow MetricsClient#newInstrument(instrumentName)repos/data-engineering/metrics-platform!67phuedxwork/phuedx/T366827main
helm Chart: Bump appVersion to v1.12.0repos/releng/reggie!87dancymain-I96fdafc821fa7656ff14efb76bec711f67c8d54dmain
Fix bug with concurrent upload of manifestsrepos/releng/reggie!84dancymain-Ie3cfec8f9bc0b74400f5c58530aaebc161cf1acbmain
pause_after_testserver_sync: Use commas to separate usernamesrepos/releng/scap!350dancymaster-Ic196f98a981a9f5e3d5845c9d4b9b10200c0a98amaster
Remove outdated NEWS filerepos/releng/blubber!96aklapperT366817main Make is_dir() work for submodule directories (v2)repos/releng/scap!344dancymaster-I218be862c39080e9a8711211dee2786e32b2fae2master
Revert " Make is_dir() work for submodule directories"repos/releng/scap!342dancymaster-I3a6881810cf8c29e233fd6db04667d6363dead5dmaster
Adding toolforge cron script for tracking and backup purposesrepos/security/wikimedia-risk-calculator!1mmartoranatoolforge-cron-scriptmain
[JS] Extract EventSubmitter interfacerepos/data-engineering/metrics-platform!42phuedxwork/phuedx/event_submittermain
[JS] Create Instrument class/newInstrument APIrepos/data-engineering/metrics-platform!39phuedxwork/phuedx/submittermain
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Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 8:15 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz1668.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

rowan.collins wrote:

Just a comment that "$wgUseDates" doesn't seem like a very good variable name to
me - it makes me want to ask "use them for what"? What you seem to be asking for
is more along the lines of a "$wgUseDatePreferences", as in a feature to let
users specify how they want dates in the interface to appear (even if this
doesn't include automagically munging dates in the text); am I right?

avarab wrote:

You're right on both accounts, that is what I want to do and
$wgUseDatePreferences is a much saner variable name.

avarab wrote:

A (rough) proposal.

A (rough) proposal.

A rough mockup of a proposal to solve this:

  • date formats are read from $wgDateFormatsXx, this array should contain no

more than 100 items (10 is probably enough, please comment) where number 0 is
an indication of the default an 100 is the ISO 8601 formatted date. (perhaps it

would be better to not have it a number but iso => ...)

  • The option is then set in the preferences which automatically display the

"Date format" option of the $wgDateFormatsXx array is not empty, however if the

language in question wishes to not use this at all they'll have to set
$wgDateFormatsXx = array(); because otherwise it'll be read from the parent
(usually Language.php)

Note that since the date format is set by numbers we could get drastic changes
between languages where e.g. item 3 in the array can mean something different
in de. and on en. and fo., I don't have a definite way solve this in a smart
manner we can'tguarentee that formats will be at all alike between languages
however this could be solved by using an associative array where some defaults
will always be the same:

$foo = array(

default => something default here...
long => "the standard long format for this language" (like en:"January 23,

2005" or is:"23. janúar 2005")

abbrev => "the abbrivated format" (en:"Jan 23, 2005", "23. jan. 2005")
numeric => "the standard numeric format: (en: 23.01.2005, is: 23/01/2005)
iso => "the iso 8601 format" (all: 2005-01-23)


then of course each language could add something new using a key which is not
one of the reserved values.


avarab wrote:

Fixed in HEAD (although the final implementation was different than the one
described here.)