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Prepare IC5 hiring materials - Takehome task and eval
Open, HighPublic3 Estimated Story Points



  • We are opening a hiring round now for an IC5 position in the Web team. As part of this, we need to revisit and prepare our hiring materials so they're ready when we need to conduct interviews.

User story

As an engineer working on the takehome tasks, I want to have easy-to-use, effective hiring materials that I can use as a script for my round of the interview.


  • Takehome task has been updated
  • Takehome task evaluation criteria has been updated in the appropriate spreadsheet


  • For QA engineer to fill out

Test Steps

  • For QA engineer to fill out


  • N/A

Acceptance criteria

  • We have revisited the hiring materials in the spreadsheet to ensure they:
  • Reflect learnings from our recent hiring rounds
  • Are written at an appropriate level for an IC-5 engineer
  • Are clear and easy to use

Communication criteria - does this need an announcement or discussion?

  • N/A

Rollback plan

  • N/A

This task was created by Version 1.0.0 of the Web team task template using phabulous