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Audit members of acl*security for more than 12 months of no activity (May 2025)
Open, Stalled, LowPublic


Previous tasks: T337305, T301181, T299400, T241781.
(Filing this task as individual non-public calendars are not a task tracking system.)

  1. Go to and query for phids = ["PHID-PROJ-koo4qqdng27q7r65x3cw"]
  2. Use the results in the members array to feed the phids into the SQL query: SELECT DISTINCT(CONCAT("", userName)), isDisabled FROM phabricator_user.user WHERE phid NOT IN (SELECT trs.authorPHID FROM phabricator_maniphest.maniphest_transaction trs INNER JOIN phabricator_user.user u WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(trs.dateModified) >= (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 YEAR) AND trs.authorPHID = u.phid) AND (phid = "PHID-USER-..." OR phid = "PHID-USER-...");
  3. Review the user names
  4. Once done, create a new task for the next review, and resolve this task.

Alternatively, for those with production DB access, another option is to run:
SELECT DISTINCT(CONCAT("", usr.userName)), usr.isSystemAgent FROM phabricator_user.user usr WHERE usr.isDisabled = 0 AND usr.phid IN (SELECT e.src FROM phabricator_user.edge e WHERE e.dst = "PHID-PROJ-koo4qqdng27q7r65x3cw" AND e.type = 14 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(e.dateCreated) <= (NOW() - INTERVAL 12 MONTH)) AND usr.phid NOT IN (SELECT trs.authorPHID FROM phabricator_maniphest.maniphest_transaction trs INNER JOIN phabricator_user.user u WHERE FROM_UNIXTIME(trs.dateModified) >= (NOW() - INTERVAL 12 MONTH) AND trs.authorPHID = u.phid);


Due Date
Apr 30 2025, 10:00 PM

Event Timeline

Aklapper changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Sun, Jun 23, 2:08 PM
Aklapper triaged this task as Low priority.
Aklapper created this task.
Aklapper moved this task from To Triage to External on the Phabricator board.

Stalled on completion date. If that's not proper, we can set the status to something else. The Security-Team also has a calendar invite set for this next year.