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sbassett (Scott Bassett)
Staff Security EngineerAdministrator


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Sep 12 2018, 3:52 PM (306 w, 2 d)
IRC Nick
MediaWiki User
SBassett (WMF) [ Global Accounts ]

Member of the Security-Team. My user-sbassett board should be fairly up-to-date, though we also track some other work within Asana these days.

Recent Activity


sbassett added a comment to T362774: Application Security Review Request : service-runner replacement: @tchin/service-utils.

Just quickly running semgrep supply-chain against these codebases, it found that wikimedia/service-runner@master had two dependency vulnerabilities with undetermined reachability and that wikimedia/service-template-node@master had two dependency vulnerabilities with undetermined reachability and one with confirmed reachability.

Fri, Jul 26, 5:56 PM · secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett added a project to T309772: npm audit reports several security issues with Service runner: Vuln-VulnComponent.
Fri, Jul 26, 1:47 PM · Vuln-VulnComponent, LPL Essential (LPL Essential 2024 Jul-Sep), MediaWiki-Engineering, CX-cxserver, Security, service-runner
sbassett added a comment to T368336: Select a chart library.

I'd also note that the Vega dependency was the primary reason we disabled ext:Graph (twice). And that while Vega's expressions layer has since been hardened, it likely still poses more risk for our use-cases than other options.

Fri, Jul 26, 1:45 PM · Charts (Sprint 1)

Thu, Jul 25

sbassett triaged T365144: Application Security Review Request : Quarto as Low priority.
Thu, Jul 25, 4:18 PM · Product-Analytics, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett moved T365144: Application Security Review Request : Quarto from Waiting to Our Part Is Done on the secscrum board.
Thu, Jul 25, 4:18 PM · Product-Analytics, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett updated subscribers of T370739: Figure out how a shellbox instance for the Chart extension would work.

@aude service-template-node is indeed quite dated and fairly unmaintained. And it would be difficult to recommend it for new projects, from a security perspective. Sadly, I don't think there has been consensus on a replacement option. It would be nice to consolidate around something as having a dozen new frameworks that essentially do the same thing is not ideal. You might want to reach out to @tchin as they have been working on at least one replacement option (T360924, T362774, et al).

Thu, Jul 25, 4:14 PM · serviceops, SRE, Shellbox, Charts
sbassett set Author Affiliation to community on T326613: Database credentials for s51347 (fatg) publicly readable on Toolforge.
Thu, Jul 25, 4:10 PM · cloud-services-team (FY2023/2024-Q3-Q4), Vuln-Infoleak, SecTeam Discussion, Tools, Security

Wed, Jul 24

sbassett added a comment to T367995: Security Preview for shared login domain.

Hey @Tgr - I'd like to set up an initial threat-modeling/concept-review session (or two) for this work with you and any other relevant folks, this quarter. Are there any other technical folks that you're aware of who would likely be helpful during or interested in participating in such exercises? Thanks.

Wed, Jul 24, 4:20 PM · SecTeam-Processed, secscrum, SUL3, Security Preview, RFS
sbassett added a comment to T370850: Security Issue Access Request for (tappof).

I've confirmed this user has Phab MFA enabled:

phab.png (79×470 px, 10 KB)

Wed, Jul 24, 3:21 PM · Security-Team, Security

Tue, Jul 23

sbassett added a comment to T365525: Application Security Review Request : CommunityRequests Extension.

Yes, we could use a different branch but for Gerrit I think that means we have to rely on relation chains and just not merge, right? Indeed that would seriously hamper development. So I think we will go with a feature flag -- but I believe that is going to be necessary anyway because in order to do the security review, we need the extension deployed to the Beta cluster, but also simultaneously not deploy to production.

Tue, Jul 23, 3:19 PM · Community Wishlist, Community-Tech, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews

Mon, Jul 22

sbassett moved T367440: Attempt to condense trivy scanning output and avoid false positive exit code from Incoming to Our Part Is Done on the Security-Team board.
Mon, Jul 22, 4:55 PM · GitLab-Application-Security-Pipeline, Security, Security Team AppSec, Security-Team
sbassett closed T367440: Attempt to condense trivy scanning output and avoid false positive exit code, a subtask of T342177: [EPIC] Application Security Pipeline Components for Gitlab - Phase 2 Work, as Resolved.
Mon, Jul 22, 4:55 PM · Epic, user-sbassett, SecTeam-Processed, Security-Team, Security, GitLab-Application-Security-Pipeline
sbassett closed T367440: Attempt to condense trivy scanning output and avoid false positive exit code as Resolved.
Mon, Jul 22, 4:54 PM · GitLab-Application-Security-Pipeline, Security, Security Team AppSec, Security-Team
sbassett edited projects for T370110: Apache 2.4.61 throws a 403 Forbidden for links containing %3F, added: Vuln-VulnComponent; removed Vuln-Misconfiguration.
Mon, Jul 22, 4:32 PM · Vuln-VulnComponent, SecTeam-Processed, collaboration-services, Release-Engineering-Team (Priority Backlog 📥), Wikimedia-Apache-configuration, Phabricator, User-brennen, Security
sbassett edited projects for T370110: Apache 2.4.61 throws a 403 Forbidden for links containing %3F, added: SecTeam-Processed, Vuln-Misconfiguration; removed Security-Team.
Mon, Jul 22, 4:32 PM · Vuln-VulnComponent, SecTeam-Processed, collaboration-services, Release-Engineering-Team (Priority Backlog 📥), Wikimedia-Apache-configuration, Phabricator, User-brennen, Security
sbassett moved T369945: Deploy Chart extension on beta cluster from Incoming to Watching on the Security-Team board.
Mon, Jul 22, 4:26 PM · Patch-For-Review, SecTeam-Processed, Security-Team, Wikimedia-extension-review-queue, Wikimedia-Extension-setup, Charts
sbassett moved T369950: Application Security Review Request : Chart extension (placeholder) from Incoming to Back Orders on the secscrum board.
Mon, Jul 22, 4:22 PM · Charts, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews

Fri, Jul 19

sbassett updated subscribers of T369945: Deploy Chart extension on beta cluster.

Hey all - just back from jury duty. I don't have any major concerns with this and am inclined to rate it a low risk, unless @acooper has any additional concerns.

Fri, Jul 19, 9:09 PM · Patch-For-Review, SecTeam-Processed, Security-Team, Wikimedia-extension-review-queue, Wikimedia-Extension-setup, Charts
sbassett set Author Affiliation to tech on T369754: Gitlab Critical Patch Release 17.1.2, 17.0.4, 16.11.6.
Fri, Jul 19, 9:07 PM · Vuln-VulnComponent, SecTeam-Processed, collaboration-services, Security
sbassett added a comment to T361321: Write and send supplementary release announcement for extensions and skins with security patches (1.39.8/1.40.4/1.41.2/1.42.0).

One minor note about this release: T363773#9971646

Fri, Jul 19, 4:45 PM · user-sbassett, MediaWiki-Releasing, Security
sbassett awarded T361321: Write and send supplementary release announcement for extensions and skins with security patches (1.39.8/1.40.4/1.41.2/1.42.0) a Like token.
Fri, Jul 19, 4:42 PM · user-sbassett, MediaWiki-Releasing, Security
sbassett added a comment to T369754: Gitlab Critical Patch Release 17.1.2, 17.0.4, 16.11.6.

Anything here preventing this task from being made public? I'm not seeing anything but wanted to double-check.

Fri, Jul 19, 4:40 PM · Vuln-VulnComponent, SecTeam-Processed, collaboration-services, Security
sbassett added a comment to T369754: Gitlab Critical Patch Release 17.1.2, 17.0.4, 16.11.6.
Fri, Jul 19, 4:39 PM · Vuln-VulnComponent, SecTeam-Processed, collaboration-services, Security
sbassett edited projects for T369754: Gitlab Critical Patch Release 17.1.2, 17.0.4, 16.11.6, added: SecTeam-Processed, Vuln-VulnComponent; removed Security-Team.
Fri, Jul 19, 4:38 PM · Vuln-VulnComponent, SecTeam-Processed, collaboration-services, Security
sbassett merged Restricted Task into T259111: PHP Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 65519 of 65535 bytes (in LiquidThreads).
Fri, Jul 19, 4:31 PM · Unstewarded-production-error, MediaWiki-extensions-LiquidThreads, Wikimedia-production-error
sbassett updated subscribers of T365144: Application Security Review Request : Quarto.

Hey @mpopov - per the minutes from our recent quarterly review planning session, @acooper was going to follow up on this and a couple other review requests as it relates to acceptance and scheduling.

Fri, Jul 19, 4:25 PM · Product-Analytics, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett added a comment to T370022: Version `4.3.5` of `smarty/smarty` library in Extension:Widgets library has CVE-2024-35226.

I assume we can make this task public now, since the fixes were handled publicly in gerrit and are now merged? This issue will be reannounced within the next supplemental security release, due out around September 30th, 2024.

Fri, Jul 19, 4:18 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Vuln-VulnComponent, Patch-For-Review, MediaWiki-extensions-Widgets, Security, Security-Team
sbassett added a comment to T365525: Application Security Review Request : CommunityRequests Extension.

My question for you: If we (i.e. my manager) agree to accept all security risks, how likely if at all would it be to ship the extension with just translations, then we slowly add code to it over time? This would make the transition considerably easier, and allow us to address some issues we have now such as T370230: Migrate translations to Community Requests. When we have enough code moved over for the extension to run standalone, we can ask for a proper security review. Until then, we could have all code (other than the translations) behind a feature flag, which we will not enable until the security review is complete. How does that sound? I know this is highly unusual but I thought it was at least worth inquiring :)

Fri, Jul 19, 4:15 PM · Community Wishlist, Community-Tech, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett added a comment to T367440: Attempt to condense trivy scanning output and avoid false positive exit code.

As for issue number 1, I couldn't find an effective solution. One option could be to display only high and critical vulnerabilities. However, I prefer keeping the full table in its raw format. What are your thoughts?

Fri, Jul 19, 4:12 PM · GitLab-Application-Security-Pipeline, Security, Security Team AppSec, Security-Team
sbassett awarded Blog Post: Iterative Improvements a Like token.
Fri, Jul 19, 4:02 PM
sbassett triaged T370361: credentials for s56018 are compromised as High priority.
Fri, Jul 19, 3:58 PM · Vuln-Infoleak, User-bd808, Data-Services, Security-Team, Security
sbassett added a comment to T364302: Start the Mitre CNA Partner Process for the Wikimedia Foundation .

@Mstyles - I'd like to attend the meeting if it works with my schedule. Can you send me an invite?

Fri, Jul 19, 3:55 PM · Security-Team

Tue, Jul 16

sbassett added projects to T370022: Version `4.3.5` of `smarty/smarty` library in Extension:Widgets library has CVE-2024-35226: Vuln-VulnComponent, SecTeam-Processed.
Tue, Jul 16, 11:43 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Vuln-VulnComponent, Patch-For-Review, MediaWiki-extensions-Widgets, Security, Security-Team

Wed, Jul 3

sbassett removed projects from T367123: Investigate minio packaging, install, security monitoring.: secscrum, RFS.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:17 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Privacy Engineering, Security Preview
sbassett moved T362563: Application Security Review Request : async-profiler (Sampling CPU and HEAP profiler for Java featuring AsyncGetCallTrace + perf_events ) from Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue to Waiting on the secscrum board.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:15 PM · Data-Platform-SRE, Discovery-Search, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett moved T366634: Application Security Review Request : LimeSurvey-5-Point-Emojis extension from Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue to Waiting on the secscrum board.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:15 PM · secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett changed the status of T366233: Application Security Review Request : Metrics Platform extension from Open to In Progress.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:15 PM · secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett removed projects from T368108: Investigate Superset packaging, install, security monitoring.: secscrum, RFS.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:15 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Privacy Engineering, Security Preview
sbassett changed the status of T365525: Application Security Review Request : CommunityRequests Extension from Open to In Progress.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:15 PM · Community Wishlist, Community-Tech, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett removed projects from T367817: Investigate Dagster packaging, install, security monitoring.: secscrum, RFS.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:15 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Privacy Engineering, Security Preview
sbassett removed projects from T367818: Investigate Trino/Starburst install, operation and maintenance, and security monitoring.: secscrum, RFS.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:15 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Privacy Engineering, Security Preview
sbassett moved T367905: Application Security Review Request : OpenTelemetry PHP SDK from Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue to Waiting on the secscrum board.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:15 PM · Privacy Engineering, MediaWiki-Vendor, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett moved T362774: Application Security Review Request : service-runner replacement: @tchin/service-utils from Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue to Waiting on the secscrum board.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:15 PM · secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett moved T365144: Application Security Review Request : Quarto from Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue to Waiting on the secscrum board.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:15 PM · Product-Analytics, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett moved T355150: Application Security Review Request : Adiutor MediaWiki extension from Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue to Waiting on the secscrum board.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:15 PM · Adiutor, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett moved T355161: Application Security Review Request : PlaceNewSection extension from Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue to Waiting on the secscrum board.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:15 PM · secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett changed the status of T366233: Application Security Review Request : Metrics Platform extension, a subtask of T366234: Deploy the Metrics Platform extension, from Open to In Progress.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:14 PM · Patch-For-Review, Wikimedia-extension-review-queue, Wikimedia-Extension-setup
sbassett changed the status of T367995: Security Preview for shared login domain from Open to In Progress.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:13 PM · SecTeam-Processed, secscrum, SUL3, Security Preview, RFS
sbassett changed the status of T367995: Security Preview for shared login domain, a subtask of T363695: Create a Wikimedia login domain that can be served by any wiki, from Open to In Progress.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:13 PM · Security, SUL3, MediaWiki-Platform-Team, MediaWiki-extensions-CentralAuth
sbassett moved T367995: Security Preview for shared login domain from Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue to In Progress on the secscrum board.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:12 PM · SecTeam-Processed, secscrum, SUL3, Security Preview, RFS
sbassett moved T365525: Application Security Review Request : CommunityRequests Extension from Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue to In Progress on the secscrum board.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:12 PM · Community Wishlist, Community-Tech, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett moved T366233: Application Security Review Request : Metrics Platform extension from Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue to In Progress on the secscrum board.
Wed, Jul 3, 5:12 PM · secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett assigned T362774: Application Security Review Request : service-runner replacement: @tchin/service-utils to acooper.
Wed, Jul 3, 4:51 PM · secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett closed Restricted Task, a subtask of T331514: [Goal] M1: Metrics Platform: Control Plane: Analytics instrumentation stream management UI, as Resolved.
Wed, Jul 3, 4:18 PM · Metrics Platform Backlog
sbassett moved T365525: Application Security Review Request : CommunityRequests Extension from Back Orders to Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue on the secscrum board.
Wed, Jul 3, 3:38 PM · Community Wishlist, Community-Tech, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett moved T367905: Application Security Review Request : OpenTelemetry PHP SDK from Back Orders to Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue on the secscrum board.
Wed, Jul 3, 3:37 PM · Privacy Engineering, MediaWiki-Vendor, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett moved T355161: Application Security Review Request : PlaceNewSection extension from Back Orders to Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue on the secscrum board.
Wed, Jul 3, 3:37 PM · secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett closed T360365: Application Security Review Request : New Plugins for Upcoming WMF & WEND Digital Annual Reports - WordPress as Resolved.
Wed, Jul 3, 3:37 PM · secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews

Tue, Jul 2

sbassett added a comment to T303433: Allow Stewards to enable 'emergency CAPTCHAs' for anonymous IP edits.
  • Enable a global abuse filter for showing a CAPTCHA on all projects
  • Create two local abuse filters on enwiki and jawiki

Which doesn't sound that bad. Just trying to avoid the need to build new software for this, if it can be easily solved with something we've already got.

Tue, Jul 2, 3:23 PM · MediaWiki-Platform-Team (Radar), MW-1.39-notes (1.39.0-wmf.25; 2022-08-15), Stewards-and-global-tools, MediaWiki-extensions-CentralAuth, SecTeam-Processed, Sustainability (Incident Followup), ConfirmEdit (CAPTCHA extension), Platform Engineering, Wikimedia-Site-requests, Security
sbassett added a comment to T303433: Allow Stewards to enable 'emergency CAPTCHAs' for anonymous IP edits.

I see, thanks. The example patch in the task description is enabling CAPTCHA for just one wiki. Are there circumstances where we want to set $wmgEmergencyCaptcha across all projects without involving SREs? If not, then the AbuseFilter + showcaptcha consequence seems like it would suffice for the use case described in this task.

Tue, Jul 2, 3:17 PM · MediaWiki-Platform-Team (Radar), MW-1.39-notes (1.39.0-wmf.25; 2022-08-15), Stewards-and-global-tools, MediaWiki-extensions-CentralAuth, SecTeam-Processed, Sustainability (Incident Followup), ConfirmEdit (CAPTCHA extension), Platform Engineering, Wikimedia-Site-requests, Security

Mon, Jul 1

sbassett closed T367205: Security Issue Access Request for SDeckelmann-WMF as Resolved.

Hey! I get the emails, so no relaying required :)

And, done.

Mon, Jul 1, 9:02 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Security-Team, Security
sbassett changed the status of Restricted Task, a subtask of T172065: Hunt for Toolforge tools that load resources from third party sites, from Open to In Progress.
Mon, Jul 1, 4:25 PM · Privacy Engineering, Toolforge-standards-committee, Tools, Privacy
sbassett added a comment to T367205: Security Issue Access Request for SDeckelmann-WMF.

Per Security's SOP, "Set up Two-Factor Authentication for your Phabricator account under Settings → Authentication → Multi-Factor Auth" is required.
This has not happened thus reopening this ticket.

Mon, Jul 1, 2:56 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Security-Team, Security
sbassett removed a project from T286814: '.event.pageViewId' should be string, '.event.subTest' should be string, '.event.searchSessionId' should be string: Analytics-Radar.
Mon, Jul 1, 2:54 PM · MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.14; 2024-07-16), Discovery-Search (Current work), Wikimedia-production-error, Data-Engineering

Fri, Jun 28

sbassett added a comment to T342468: Craft more mediawiki-specific and php semgrep rule sets.

Write-up of some of this quarter's work is here: T335892#9936225

Fri, Jun 28, 9:15 PM · user-sbassett, Security-Team, GitLab-Application-Security-Pipeline
sbassett added a comment to T335892: Get stats on Gadgets and Users scripts loading third-party resources.

Hey all -

Fri, Jun 28, 9:15 PM · Patch-For-Review, WMF-General-or-Unknown, affects-Miraheze, SecTeam-Processed, Privacy Engineering, tech-decision-forum
sbassett closed T368752: Security Issue Access Request for (RoySmith), T366554 as Declined.

I've gone ahead and made T366554 public as, at worst, I think it's a low-risk issue.

Fri, Jun 28, 4:11 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Security-Team, Security
sbassett set Author Affiliation to community on T366554: Views data integrity compromised by entity running up fake views.
Fri, Jun 28, 4:11 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Data-Engineering, Pageviews-Anomaly, Security

Thu, Jun 27

sbassett awarded T20110: Define AbuseFilter consequence to display a CAPTCHA a Like token.
Thu, Jun 27, 6:28 PM · Patch-For-Review, Trust and Safety Product Sprint (Sprint Koto (July 15 - July 26)), MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.14; 2024-07-16), User-notice, ConfirmEdit (CAPTCHA extension), Wikimedia-Hackathon-2024, AbuseFilter
sbassett added a member for WMF-NDA: acooper.
Thu, Jun 27, 6:28 PM

Jun 26 2024

sbassett added a watcher for Charts: sbassett.
Jun 26 2024, 6:35 PM

Jun 25 2024

sbassett added a comment to T355161: Application Security Review Request : PlaceNewSection extension.

@sbassett Hi! Are you able to check the extension next quarter?

Jun 25 2024, 2:36 PM · secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews

Jun 24 2024

sbassett added a comment to T367440: Attempt to condense trivy scanning output and avoid false positive exit code.

Example of a template keeping track of cumulative bash error codes:

Jun 24 2024, 9:22 PM · GitLab-Application-Security-Pipeline, Security, Security Team AppSec, Security-Team
sbassett added a comment to T365644: Remote Code Execution on svgtranslate.

@Chocapikk1337 - you've now been added to our hall of fame:

Jun 24 2024, 5:50 PM · Patch-For-Review, Community-Tech (June 3-14 2024 Arctic Fox), SecTeam-Processed, SVG Translate Tool, Vuln-Inject, Security, Security-Team
sbassett added a comment to T368224: Audit members of acl*security for more than 12 months of no activity (May 2025).

Stalled on completion date. If that's not proper, we can set the status to something else. The Security-Team also has a calendar invite set for this next year.

Jun 24 2024, 4:17 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Security-Team, Phabricator
sbassett added a project to T368224: Audit members of acl*security for more than 12 months of no activity (May 2025): SecTeam-Processed.
Jun 24 2024, 4:12 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Security-Team, Phabricator
sbassett moved T368224: Audit members of acl*security for more than 12 months of no activity (May 2025) from Incoming to Back Orders on the Security-Team board.
Jun 24 2024, 4:12 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Security-Team, Phabricator
sbassett edited projects for T367995: Security Preview for shared login domain, added: SecTeam-Processed; removed Security-Team.
Jun 24 2024, 4:11 PM · SecTeam-Processed, secscrum, SUL3, Security Preview, RFS
sbassett moved T368108: Investigate Superset packaging, install, security monitoring. from Incoming to Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue on the secscrum board.
Jun 24 2024, 3:08 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Privacy Engineering, Security Preview
sbassett added a comment to T337305: Audit members of acl*security for more than 12 months of no activity (May 2024).

Was I caught up in this cleanup by chance @sbassett? I noticed my access seems to be gone. If so, could I be readded? I use the access for Fandom for pre-release access and checking for any crossover with our bug bounty program we run.

Jun 24 2024, 2:26 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Security-Team, Phabricator, Security
sbassett added a member for acl*security_volunteer: Grunny.
Jun 24 2024, 2:25 PM

Jun 21 2024

sbassett set Author Affiliation to tech on T340189: Images of private wikis are publicly accessible if attacker knows the URL or the filename.
Jun 21 2024, 5:06 PM · Privacy Engineering, SecTeam-Processed, Vuln-Infoleak, SRE-swift-storage, Security, Security-Team

Jun 20 2024

sbassett closed T340189: Images of private wikis are publicly accessible if attacker knows the URL or the filename as Resolved.

Given that more than ninety days have passed since this bug got fixed, we don't have any logs of who might have accessed the private files. I suggest closing this and filing follow ups for fixing setZone and other issues?

Jun 20 2024, 6:03 PM · Privacy Engineering, SecTeam-Processed, Vuln-Infoleak, SRE-swift-storage, Security, Security-Team
sbassett closed T361961: Security Review For reefjs (potentially used by Wikipedia Preview) as Resolved.
Jun 20 2024, 4:59 PM · Inuka-Team, Wikipedia-Preview, secscrum, Application Security Reviews
sbassett added a comment to T364302: Start the Mitre CNA Partner Process for the Wikimedia Foundation .

Note: is not the only place that Wikimedia codes are located - see Some are semi-official, such as toolforge related repos which may be co-maintained by WMF and volunteers. There are a number of WMDE repos too which is used in production.

Jun 20 2024, 3:52 PM · Security-Team
sbassett moved T367905: Application Security Review Request : OpenTelemetry PHP SDK from Incoming to Back Orders on the secscrum board.
Jun 20 2024, 3:46 PM · Privacy Engineering, MediaWiki-Vendor, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett moved T367995: Security Preview for shared login domain from Incoming to Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue on the secscrum board.
Jun 20 2024, 3:46 PM · SecTeam-Processed, secscrum, SUL3, Security Preview, RFS

Jun 17 2024

sbassett closed T360070: Application Security Review Request : Extension:IPReputation, a subtask of T360067: Deploy Extension:IPReputation, as Resolved.
Jun 17 2024, 9:59 PM · Patch-For-Review, MediaWiki-extensions-IPReputation, Wikimedia-extension-review-queue, Wikimedia-Extension-setup
sbassett closed T360070: Application Security Review Request : Extension:IPReputation as Resolved.
Jun 17 2024, 9:58 PM · user-sbassett, MediaWiki-extensions-IPReputation, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett moved T360070: Application Security Review Request : Extension:IPReputation from In Progress to Our Part Is Done on the secscrum board.
Jun 17 2024, 9:58 PM · user-sbassett, MediaWiki-extensions-IPReputation, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett added a comment to T360070: Application Security Review Request : Extension:IPReputation.

Security Review Summary - T360070 - 2024-06-17
Last commit reviewed: be78eb0148

Jun 17 2024, 9:58 PM · user-sbassett, MediaWiki-extensions-IPReputation, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett moved T367817: Investigate Dagster packaging, install, security monitoring. from Incoming to Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue on the secscrum board.
Jun 17 2024, 9:10 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Privacy Engineering, Security Preview
sbassett moved T367818: Investigate Trino/Starburst install, operation and maintenance, and security monitoring. from Incoming to Upcoming Quarter Planning Queue on the secscrum board.
Jun 17 2024, 9:10 PM · SecTeam-Processed, Privacy Engineering, Security Preview
sbassett added a comment to T364302: Start the Mitre CNA Partner Process for the Wikimedia Foundation .

For active, I was just meaning "not archived", per gerrit's definition.

Jun 17 2024, 4:30 PM · Security-Team

Jun 14 2024

sbassett added a comment to T360070: Application Security Review Request : Extension:IPReputation.

Quick update on this: I plan to post the review next Monday or Tuesday (2024-06-16 or 2024-06-18). I haven't really found anything concerning at all.

Jun 14 2024, 9:15 PM · user-sbassett, MediaWiki-extensions-IPReputation, secscrum, Security, Application Security Reviews
sbassett added a comment to T364302: Start the Mitre CNA Partner Process for the Wikimedia Foundation .

Ok, if we can keep it simple but all-encompassing, then I'd probably go with something like: "Any active code repository hosted under, or that is not a fork of an upstream project or otherwise unmaintained by the WMF or Wikimedia Community".

Jun 14 2024, 9:05 PM · Security-Team
sbassett added a comment to T335892: Get stats on Gadgets and Users scripts loading third-party resources.

@sbassett, as a next step I'd probably use your idea of detecting TPR use by searching for things like import, importScript, mw.loader.load, xmlhttprequest, jquery.load, url for css, et al. Glad to hear if you think there's a cleaner way to avoid false positives.

Jun 14 2024, 8:49 PM · Patch-For-Review, WMF-General-or-Unknown, affects-Miraheze, SecTeam-Processed, Privacy Engineering, tech-decision-forum
sbassett added a comment to T364302: Start the Mitre CNA Partner Process for the Wikimedia Foundation .

"Vulnerabilities in MediaWiki core (,general), skins and extensions hosted on, or along with wikimedia microservices hosted here:"

Jun 14 2024, 4:46 PM · Security-Team
sbassett added a comment to T364302: Start the Mitre CNA Partner Process for the Wikimedia Foundation .

At the very least I think we'd also want to include MediaWiki skins (as opposed to just extensions) since WMF folks are largely the maintainers of Vector et al. Personally, I think we'd also want to include things like the various Wikimedia microservices that support some production-deployed MediaWiki extensions, etc. as we are pretty much the sole maintainers of those. Beyond that, we do write a lot of additional, proprietary Wikimedia code (SRE, Data Engineering, etc.) but we've never traditionally requested many CVEs for many of those codebases, so maybe we aren't worried about those as much. I'd also prefer to at least have the ability to issue CVEs for non-Wikimedia-deployed extensions and skins, as many of those comprise the quarterly supplemental security releases that we still manage.

Jun 14 2024, 4:40 PM · Security-Team
sbassett added a subtask for T342177: [EPIC] Application Security Pipeline Components for Gitlab - Phase 2 Work: T367440: Attempt to condense trivy scanning output and avoid false positive exit code.
Jun 14 2024, 4:30 PM · Epic, user-sbassett, SecTeam-Processed, Security-Team, Security, GitLab-Application-Security-Pipeline