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Application Security Review Request : New Plugins for Upcoming WMF & WEND Digital Annual Reports - WordPress
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Following @Cleo_Lemoisson 's recommendation, we are requesting an Application Security review of the Annual Report Plugin, currently in development and targeted for completion by the end of March. We anticipate the security review to occur in Q4, once the plugin is fully deployed and operational.

Project Information

Name of tool/project

Name of team requesting review
External Comms, Integrated Marketing

Primary contact

Target date for deployment
March 31st, 2024

Link to code repository

Description of the project and the tools, and how they will be used at WMF
This plugin is intended for use in our forthcoming digital Annual Report, which will be published on both the and WordPress websites, using the annual report plugin.
Please be aware that due to our tight deadlines, we've integrated three external plugins to enhance storytelling and data visualization:

  • Ultimate Maps Plugin: to develop an interactive map that will allow readers to click on stories from around the world, see videos and read stories about the impact of Wikipedia and WMF projects.
  • Cool Timeline Pro Plugin: to develop a timeline on the Annual report to visually present the foundation's key achievements and milestones throughout the years.
  • CSS Animations for Gutenberg Blocks Plugin: to enhance the report's interactivity by incorporating animations.

Has this project been reviewed before?
No. It has already been reviewed by the Privacy team though, check here.

Working test environment

Please reach out to @SCampos-WMF or @Ospingou.

Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you in advance!


Risk Rating
Author Affiliation
WMF Communications Dept

Event Timeline

Hi @mmartorana, just wanted to flag that we ended up not using the Ultimate Maps Plugin, there is no need to review that one. Thank you!

Security Review Summary - T360365 - 2024-06-27

Overall, the Wikimedia WordPress Annual Report plugin appears to be in good shape in terms of security. It has no vulnerable dependencies, and the reported vulnerable packages are only dev dependencies or transitive dependencies, which do not pose a security risk.
The static analysis findings appear to be either low risk or false positives.
I recommend addressing the minor leaks in the git history by ensuring the leaked tokens are inactive and, if possible, removing them from the git history altogether.

Both reviewed WordPress plugins do not seem to pose a significant risk if kept updated to the latest versions. However, since they are supported by only one or a few developers, it is advisable to exercise caution.

The overall risk rating is: low.


General Security Information

Repositorygithub none
Relevant tag/branchmaster none
Last commit reviewed (if relevant)53dc3d9 none

Vulnerable Packages - Development

VulnerabilityPackageServiceRemediationRisk[see advisory link][see advisory link][see advisory link][see advisory link][see advisory link][see advisory link][see advisory link][see advisory link][see advisory link][see advisory link]

Outdated Packages
As reported via npm outdated:
(no explicit vulnerabilities reported, simply noting for completeness' sake.)

PackageWantedLatest (Remediation)

As reported via composer outdated:
(no explicit vulnerabilities reported, simply noting for completeness' sake.)

automattic/vipwpcs2. rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress VIP minimum coding conventio...
dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installerv0.7.2v1.0.0PHP_CodeSniffer Standards Composer Installer Plugin
fig-r/psr2r-sniffer0., Auto-Fixer and Tokenizer for PSR2-R
phpcompatibility/phpcompatibility-paragonie1. set of rulesets for PHP_CodeSniffer to check for PHP cross-version compatibili...
phpcompatibility/phpcompatibility-wp2. ruleset for PHP_CodeSniffer to check for PHP cross-version compatibility issue...
squizlabs/php_codesniffer3. tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations o...
wp-coding-standards/wpcs2. rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions

Static Analysis Findings
Risk:. low
semgrep found 5 issues:

          Using variable interpolation `${{...}}` with `github` context data in a `run:` step could allow an  
          attacker to inject their own code into the runner. This would allow them to steal secrets and code. 
          `github` context data can have arbitrary user input and should be treated as untrusted. Instead, use
          an intermediate environment variable with `env:` to store the data and use the environment variable 
          in the `run:` script. Be sure to use double-quotes the environment variable, like this: "$ENVVAR".  
           54┆ run: |
           55┆   git fetch origin ${{ github.base_ref }}:${{ github.base_ref }}
           56┆   git fetch origin ${{ github.head_ref }}:${{ github.head_ref }}
          User controlled data in methods like `innerHTML`, `outerHTML` or `document.write` is an anti-pattern
          that can lead to XSS vulnerabilities                                                                
          115┆ markerDiv.innerHTML =
          User controlled data in methods like `innerHTML`, `outerHTML` or `document.write` is an anti-pattern
          that can lead to XSS vulnerabilities                                                                
          262┆ markerDiv.innerHTML =
          User controlled data in methods like `innerHTML`, `outerHTML` or `document.write` is an anti-pattern
          that can lead to XSS vulnerabilities                                                                
           51┆ styleRef.current.innerHTML = `#inner-block-display-single-${ parentBlockId } > *:not(:nth-
           52┆   currentItemIndex + 1
           53┆ }) ) { display: none; }`;
          User controlled data in methods like `innerHTML`, `outerHTML` or `document.write` is an anti-pattern
          that can lead to XSS vulnerabilities                                                                
           52┆ button.innerHTML = title;

bearer reported same issues as semgrep plus some low risk.
sh-scan reported no SAST issues and some vulnerable indirect dependencies therefore low risk.
lockfile-lint reported no issues low risk.
git-secrets reported false positives low risk.
whispers reported false positives low risk.
horusec reported false positives low risk.
snyk reported no issues. low risk.
gitleaks reported some findings. It appears these issues have been addressed in the latest commit, but the tokens are still visible in the Git history. To ensure security, the tokens should be deactivated, and the Git history should be rewritten to remove them completely. low risk (see raw output: P65530)

General code health score

  1. The Wikimedia code health check tool returned a weighted risk score of 23.
| Vuln Pkgs | Pkg Mgmt | Test Cov | SAST | Non-auto Cmts | Uniq Contribs | Contrib Conc | Lang Guides | Staff Supp | Task Backlog | Code Stew | Weighted Risk |
|         0 |        0 |       10 |    0 |             0 |            10 |            3 |           0 |         10 |            0 |         0 |         23.00 |

Scorecard score
4.8 / 10 medium
(see raw output: P65485)

cool timeline

Repositorywordpress none
Total number of reviews306 low
Code frequencyMonthly low
Recent contributions to code (6 months)9 low
Active developers1 high
Current overall usage20.000+ low
Disclosed Vulnerabilities3 low
Issues resolved in the last two months2 out of 2 low

blocks animation

Repositorywordpress none
Total number of reviews30 medium
Code frequencyMonthly low
Recent contributions to code (6 months)13 low
Active developers2 medium
Current overall usage50.000+ low
Disclosed Vulnerabilities0 none
Issues resolved in the last two monthsNot available none