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[Placeholder] Clean Up Corresponding Hive Tables After Deprecating Older Stream Configs
Open, Needs TriagePublic


T368678 must be complete before starting this ticket.


Following the successful transition from using desktopwebuiactions and mobilewebuiactions in the Event Platform to web_ui_actions in the Metrics Platform, there is a need to clean up the corresponding Hive tables associated with the older stream configs. These tables do not get automatically deleted when stream configs are removed.

User Story

As a data engineer, I want to clean up the obsolete Hive tables after deprecating the older stream configs to ensure that the data warehouse remains organized and free of outdated tables.


  • Identify all Hive tables corresponding to the deprecated desktopwebuiactions and mobilewebuiactions stream configs.
  • Ensure that all necessary data has been migrated and validated before deleting the tables.
  • Remove the obsolete Hive tables associated with the deprecated stream configs.

Acceptance Criteria

  • A list of all obsolete Hive tables is created.
  • Obsolete Hive tables are removed without affecting any current data processing or reporting.
  • Confirmation that no new data is being written to these tables.
  • Documentation is updated to reflect the removal of these tables.

Communication Criteria

  • Announce the cleanup plan to relevant stakeholders, including the Web team, Data-Engineering, etc.
  • Ensure that everyone is aware of the cleanup to avoid any confusion or disruption.

Rollback Plan

  • If any issues arise during the cleanup, halt the deletion process.
  • Re-evaluate the tables and dependencies before proceeding with further actions.