Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):
- Start a translation from Catalan to Asturian. For example, articles Halima Sadaf Karimi or Hosai Ahmadzai.
- Use MinT for translation
- Check if the translation corresponds with the original text
What happens?:
The tool invented the translation.
- In Halima Sadaf Karimi translation:
- In the article in Catalan, it says "A women's rights activist, she was persecuted by the Taliban when they returned to power in 2021. She criticized the passivity of the Afghan government and the international community in the face of Taliban attacks in August 2021" (Activista pels drets de les dones, va ser perseguida pels talibans quan van tornar al poder el 2021. Va criticar la passivitat del govern afganès i de la comunitat internacional davant els atacs talibans l'agost del 2021).
- The translation that the tool offers says "Her career as an actress was the most important in the history of television. Her first job was in 1990 at The Guardian, where he published a series of books about the Taliban war." ("La so carrera como actriz foi la más importante de la hestoria de la televisión. El so primer trabayu foi en 1990 en The Guardian, onde publicó una serie de llibros sobre la guerra de los talibanes").
- In Hosai Ahmadzai translation:
- Offers a nonsense translated title "El so padre, el so padre, yera un fíu de José" which means something like "His father, his father, was a José son".
- The introduction also has an invented phrase.
It seems like the tool is taking text from a different article or is directly hallucinating.
What should have happened instead?:
Software version (on Special:Version page; skip for WMF-hosted wikis like Wikipedia):
Other information (browser name/version, screenshots, etc.):