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IPv6 address handling broken
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When you select a revision by an IPv6 address, Huggle only thinks that the last part of it is the user name. Thus the user box is filled incorrectly, warning pages are created for non-existent users, and the mouseover (HTML terminology but I don't know what it's supposed to be for VB.NET) revision text is also broken.

Version: unspecified
Severity: blocker



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.Nov 22 2014, 12:22 AM
bzimport added projects: Huggle, IPv6.
bzimport set Reference to bz37416.

I think this would be an easy fix, regex-wise. Just split from the beginning, not the end.

Is anyone actually fixing this?

seems like the answer is no. anyone?

I'm going to poke Petrb on his talk page about this.

Hi, if no one is actually going to fix this I can try to do that, but I have no idea how long would it take. Looks like a simple patch, but I will need to recover my virtual box, because huggle 2x is not written in c# (which is only .net IDE I have right now)

Is there any work around for this?

okay, the box I were using for huggle 2x deving is definitely broken and I have no windows machine to install VB to and fix this right now. However I can assist anyone with writing the patch.

Peter: As this report was set to Highest priority and blocker severity: Do you see this problem as the highest priority for Huggle currently? If not I'd decrease priority, as "Highest" priority should be reserved for bugs that someone needs to drop what they're doing and address really soon (2 or 3 days).

So for me, commenting out this line in User.vb seems to have fixed it:
Name = Name.Substring(Name.LastIndexOf(":") + 1)

I have no idea why this line is here at all, but I presume it's for something important. I also haven't tested it with any write operations - only browsing around edits made by IPv6 users.

Krenair, this make

Name = "User:Jimbo"

Name = Name.Substring(Name.LastIndexOf(":") + 1)

Name == "Jimbo"

That's why it's there, basically changing the line to

Name = Name.Substring(Name.IndexOf(":") + 1)

would fix it. If you can compile the source code, it would be great to put it to download page (I can give you access to download repository)

@Andre, I don't know if this bug should be considered "highest" but it's for sure the number #1 critical bug we have for huggle from all bugs :) and the fact that it wasn't fixed within 2 days, doesn't mean it wasn't supposed to be fixed within 2 days...