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Swapping a page with its redirect page
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Author: arifsaha

I often find the need to swap two pages where one page is redirect to the other one.

The most occurrences are with pages about "imported" topics - i.e. topics which originally conceptualize in different languages, common in non-English Wikipedia - since in creation of the page there is often unclear how to call that particular topic, so often a term is chosen arbitrarily or the original foreign word is used, then various different terms for the topic are created into pages redirecting to the first page. After awhile one of the term become official or the most common one that often not the one chosen for first page.

Other occurrences will be when meaning of words drifted overtime, or new connotation emerge for existing word, make the previous term for the topic become less relevant.

Currently this have to be done through administrator "swap" feature, which is cumbersome and ineffective, since the administrator not an expert on the subject. So I do found many pages stuck in its incorrect name, and no easy way to fix it.

Having this feature will be fully consistent with the rule of page moving since the old page will become a redirect to the new page. So - although I have no objection of unconditional page swapping by user - if abiding with page moving rule is necessary to have it as user's feature, then have a page swapping feature for user limited to the case where one of the page is are redirect to the other will be a great improvement.

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 1:06 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz38761.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

arifsaha wrote:

  • This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***

Just to clarify, you're looking for a built-in ability to round-robin swap pages?

Swapping can already be done by suppressing redirects