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Location where the photo was taken should be added to the upload if the location is made available
Closed, DeclinedPublic


See . We either know the location of the photographer because the camera has a gps or we know the object location because we got that from the api.

Would be nice to add that information (in that order of preference)

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 12:47 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz39745.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Should this be added as EXIF or in the description?

philinje wrote:

I believe the location is part of the EXIF data if the camera and user has that enabled. If not, we are running into some possible issues regarding privacy.

We are not going to fix this due to privacy concerns. If in the mobile phone camera the user has set 'add my location' the gps coordinates will appear in the EXIF data. I currently am not doing this on my camera so it was not sent. It seems unfair to ask the user before an upload if they want to send their location as well - this would give them 2 places to manage that - and that location is not necessarily correct anyway as the information we do have may be out of date. We can look it up again but that will slow down the upload process.

It's worth noting that we can cross reference the photo with the monument to work out the GPS roughly if need be so we are not necessarily gaining anything by storing it.

Jon, if the lat/lon is added to the exif data this is picked up by a bot ( after upload.

If the exif data doesn't contain lat/lon another bot (erfgoedbot) will add an {{object location}} template.

This is all afterwards, error prone and shouldn't be too hard to just implement this in the app. It would be much nicer to do it on upload right away.

Logic would be like this:

  • Phone adds exif lat/lon : Add {{Location dec|<lat>|<lon>|source:exif_heading:<heading>}} (leave ? for heading if it's not available)
  • Phone doesn't add lat/lon : Add {{Object location dec|<lat>|<lon>}}

Marteen sure. It's not a case of being hard - it's a case of privacy.

  1. If I have purposely set my camera not to include my location on exif photo - is it right that the photo automatically gets it attached via other means?
  1. If we decide to add the user's location to the upload - how do we ensure this is okay? We don't want to just do it without the user's permission - they might see this as us sharing data about them. What if the location is inaccurate and has cached their home location - we would be sharing photos with their home attached.
  1. If we need user confirmation on the upload - how does this appear? Is it tucked away in settings or is it per upload. Is it a check box? Do we need to present the information we are sending to the user to inform them better e.g. a map ? If it's in settings is it on by default? If it is how do we ensure that the user is aware of this setting so they don't complain about it later.

Hence I think this needs more thought. :-)