Our latest data analysis suggests that about 90% of readers who click on CTA 5 (View feedback page) end up marking their post as helpful (60%), unhelpful or flagged.
As a result, we need to do something to reduce this significant amount of gaming.
The easiest way to reduce that number quickly would be to start by preventing users from moderating their *last* post. I suspect that it should not be too hard to hide (or gray out) the helpful, unhelpful and flag links when we display your last post at the top of the page, with the blue highlight. (If we gray them out, we could display a message like "You cannot moderate your own posts" when they click on the links.)
I believe that it would be much harder to keep track of all the posts that an anon has made -- for the same reasons why it was not possible to let anons hide their posts. (Though we may be tracking their last 20 posts in a cookie as part of the throttling feature implemented by Mike Jackson at OmniTI, so that's worth looking into.) If this turns out to be easier than we thought, that full solution would be our best bet.
Matthias, look forward to your thoughts on these options and what is most practical to do at this time.
Version: unspecified
Severity: major