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Deletion tags: Add tag names
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In the deletion tag wizard, add direct links to the policy pages for each tag that has one.

These links will be provided under blue chevrons after the gray text describing each tag.

For clarity, we may also want to include the original tag ID (e.g.: 'Db-g3') in parenthesis after that blue chevron, but in smaller text.

So a typical tag would end up looking like this:

"Pure vandalism and blatant hoaxes
Pages that include blatant and obvious misinformation or hoaxes. > (db-g3)"

For the 'Speedy deletion' tags (CSD), these chevron links will all link to the same page, with different anchors for each tag, as shown in this link:

The anchor names are indicated in column H of the Articles tab of this Google spreadsheet:

For the Proposed Deletion and Articles for Deletion tags, let's link to these URLs instead:

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.Nov 22 2014, 12:57 AM
bzimport added a project: PageTriage.
bzimport set Reference to bz40312.
  • Bug 40316 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Since both Oliver and Brandon feel strongly that links to the policy pages are not needed in the curation toolbar, we will remove this requirement from this ticket.

We do have links to the policy pages in the help page section for Deletion tags, so this request is partially addressed by that solution, even though it's an extra link away.

The one thing we may want to keep from this Bugzilla ticket is the proposal to include the original tag ID (e.g.: 'Db-g3') in parenthesis after the tag description.

So a typical tag would end up looking like this:

"Pure vandalism and blatant hoaxes
Pages that include blatant and obvious misinformation or hoaxes. (db-g3)"

This takes up very little space and would help people understand which tag refers to which policy.
