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SlimboxThumbs incompatible with foreign API repositories
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Slimbox doesn't currently work with ForeignAPIRepo media files. I created a sample gallery on one of my test wiki to show the behavior.

[ Steps to reproduce ]

  1. Sets a ForeignAPIRepo configuration (e.g. $wgUseInstantCommons = true)
  2. Enable SlimboxThumbs extension
  3. Create a gallery containing an external picture thumbnail

[ Expected result ]

Slimbox loads the image in every case.

[ Current result ]

Slimbox doesn't load image.

Version: REL1_20-branch
Severity: major



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 1:14 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz43541.

OK, fixed it. It's with some sorts of hacks, but should work now...
Try the new version. Works on my own wiki.

Gerrit change is at

Thank you to have fixed that. I confirm it works on my wiki too.

Now I've to track the person who reported the issue on IRC and notify him.

[ Bug assigned to code submitter. ]