mcc.php uses $wgMemCachedServers only:
$mcc = new MWMemcached( array( 'persistent' => true/*, 'debug' => true*/ ) );
$mcc->set_servers( $wgMemCachedServers );
Which doesn't work with the current WMF config for memcached:
reedy@fenari:/home/wikipedia/common$ mwscript eval.php enwiki
var_dump( $wgMemCachedServers );
array(1) {
[0]=> string(15) ""
reedy@fenari:/home/wikipedia/common$ mwscript mcc.php commonswiki
I guess it should depend on $wgMainCacheType. If it is CACHE_MEMCACHED use $wgMemCachedServers. If it's a string, use $wgObjectCaches[$wgMainCacheType]['servers']
Also, should this be classed as a WMF only script? If so, it should probably be moved to the WikimediaMaintenance extension.
Logging as a TODO/reminder. I might get round to fixing this before anyone else, but I'm not planning on fixing it now
Version: unspecified
Severity: minor