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When deleting an image, hitting Enter from the "Reason for deletion" field doesn't work
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: dbenbenn

I'm using IE6. When I try to delete an image, I type a reason for
deletion, then hit Enter. The browser acts like it's loading a new
page (the silly icon animates, and a message appears in the status
bar). After a few seconds it finishes, but the same page is there,
and the image hasn't been deleted. I have to actually click on
the "Confirm" button to get it to delete.

I don't have this problem when deleting regular pages, or when
editing. In both cases, I can hit Enter from the summary field.

I have no idea why this problem exists. Perhaps the fault is on my
end. Does anyone else have this problem?

Version: 1.5.x
Severity: minor
OS: Windows XP
Platform: PC



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 21 2014, 8:39 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz2740.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

I can confirm that it does not work with IE 6.0.2800.1106 under windows 2000.
The POST is sent though but never processed.

Blocks Bug 640: Internet Explorer (IE) / Windows issues (tracking)

JanS wrote:

It does work for me as admin using IE 6.0. Is this bug already solved?

robchur wrote:

Confirmed not working with Internet Explorer 6.0.2900 under Windows XP
Professional using MediaWiki 1.5.1. Not a problem under Firefox, however.

robchur wrote:

Still also a problem under MediaWiki 1.5.2.


Confirmation checkbox is gone now; the submit button had been
coopted to replace it in the submission variables, but some
user agents don't go looking for a default button when you
submit by hitting 'enter' in a text entry widget. Just check
that the form was posted; we already have the edit token check
to confirm that it's not a forged request.