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OTRS sending notifications incorrectly
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: wikipedia

I have been receiving OTRS notifications for follow-up messages addressed to a
number of other people (Kat, Danny, etc.). This has been going on for about a
week, ever since the work JeLuF did on OTRS.

I have no idea whether the people to whom the messages are actually addressed
have also been receiving notifications or not.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
OS: Windows 2000
Platform: PC



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 8:49 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz3287.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

walter wrote:

I have also this problem. That did not used to be so when OTRS was using the
Monobook skin (I now this has nothing to do with the skin)

Has this been resolved or still happening?

walter wrote:

It is absolutely still happening. At least for me. I get the "You got follow
up!" emails for all the follow ups the other OTRS's are receiving on there

walter wrote:

I am not 100% sure but I think I know now what the problem is.

First see;

So when a responds comes and the ticket is closed the you have a follow up is
send to all.

If people would use OTRS correctly there is no problem. But, that I have now
seen for the dutch queue, I seems that most agents are responding to an email
and after that closing the ticket. This while the should keep it open or select
"close automatically after some time".

Solution; inform the agents that when the respond to a ticket the must keep the
ticket open.
Technically; it would be good if the default option of the pull-down menu would
be close automatically and not "close now".

Also the default time before closing the ticket automatically is now 24 hours.
That is to short. 75 would be better.

This should be fixed now, the fix was to put this in

$Self->{'PostmasterFollowUpOnUnlockAgentNotifyOnlyToOwner'} = 1;