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cannot find in bot home directory
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Today I set up two bots on Labs (hostbot and grantsbot). I'd like to be able to access the MYSQL replica dbs.

The doc here:

...says that there should be credentials file ( in the home directory of each bot, but I can't find this file in either home. Any idea where I can find/generate these files?


Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
OS: Mac OS X 10.8
Platform: Macintosh



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 2:04 AM
bzimport added a project: Toolforge.
bzimport set Reference to bz53133.

Coren: Just to clarify: gets created by wikitech? The replica DB servers? And those need to remount the NFS share /tools/project after the maintenance?

It gets created on the NFS server, which is the only box that has access to all of the project shared filesystem and the database servers.

That said, the mistake was mine: when I did the maintenance, I had to shut down the daemon that creates those files (because the filesystem could not be modified while being copied) but I forgot to reenable it. Fixed.